Subject: GREAT Question & More!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation
As always, I hope that this message finds you all
doing well and that
business is booming!

I want to share with you a great Q&A.  But first, a update on the
MDT Business Plan.

The second printing was delivered to our office on Thursday.  All
orders, to date, have been filled and will be shipped certified mail
with the US Postal Service on Friday, 9/24/10. 

If you haven't yet invested in the MDT Business Plan, Click Here
order and we will ship it to your doorstep ASAP.

This is NOT the same thing as my best-selling ebook,
"How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company." 

This is an actual business plan that has literally been read and
reviewed by my banker three times so that it is legitimately "bank
approved" for loans, grants, and lines of credit.

And no, I'm not making any ridiculous claims that by investing in
the MDT Business Plan your going to get a loan or grant for a
million dollars! But what I am telling you is that the MDT
Plan will be a great resource in showing you how to
create your
own business plan to apply for loans and grants!

There's no other business plan on the market designed
for the NEMT industry - especially for such a cheap

The first of the year will be here soon!  Click Here Now to get the
MDT Business Plan to use in helping you customize your own
business plan so you can have a fast start at the first of the year!

Now onto a great question from John Riddick of Hills Falls
Transportation Services.  He writes:

"Joel, I've been in business since 2006 and have enjoyed your
information since discovering it months ago.  I am seriously
considering attending your upcoming seminar.  I would like to
further grow and expand my business.  Is your seminar
that can help me or is it only for people new to the
Thank you for taking the time to respond."

In responding to John and many of you whom are already in
business, the answer is a resounding YES

I can't tell you how many existing business owners attend my
Million Dollar Seminars.  In fact, at my last Seminar, June 26th,
I would say literally half of all attendees were already in
ranging from one year to five or more years.

And honestly, in gathering feedback from attendees, existing
entrepreneurs tend to appreciate the Million Dollar Seminar the

Because they're already in business, have experienced
successes and failures, faced challenges, they're more
appreciative in discovering new ways to increase efficiency and

As I always say, those who think they know everything know
nothing!  The moment you think you have nothing more to learn
you have already surrendered everything!

So whether you're a "newby" or you're well experienced in the
transportation business, get to my Million Dollar Seminar on
December 4th and learn - discover!

I can't tell you how many emails I receive from people seeking
guidance, answers and assistance.  Needless to say, you can
only learn so much via email.  If you're serious about change
and success, then stop with the excuses!  Get to the Million
Dollar Seminar!

Click Here Now for details and registration. 

I'm telling you, seating is limited for a reason.  This is FAR
more than an entrepreneurial opportunity!  This is also a great
networking and resource-sharing opportunity!

It's almost October so don't wait until the last minute.  Food
and transportation to and from the airport has already been
arranged.  Just reserve your seat, reserve your hotel room,
and get there!

Click Here to reserve your seat!

Thanks again for the great question John!  If there's one thing
I have learned over years it's that for every one question I
receive there are 10 or more others thinking but not asking
the same question!

So keep asking questions!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

You're "nobody" until someone doubts you!  Embrace haters
as motivation!