Subject: Funding Opportunities - A MUST READ!!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

This is a great email with some very important financing information.
So, please make sure that you read everything!

I would like to share with you a great email I recently received from
Carlos Banks from the Wheelchair Taxi, Inc.

It is in response to a “hater“ who was complaining about the $97.95
cost of my ebook and the cost of my Million Dollar Seminars.

Carlos’ message reflects how God works in mysterious ways and
when you’re prepared for success, success will find you!

So please read the following email before I discuss an outstanding
funding breakthrough. It’s self-explanatory and I appreciate it more
than you know!


A few days ago I told you about the situation with my grandma.
Before she got sick she was living in an assisted living facility where
she could do for herself.

About a month ago she fell ill and had to be taken to the hospital
where, at first, she was doing ok. But then, out of no where, she
turned for the worse. We thought that was it. But through much
prayer the Lord allowed her to pull through and some what bounce

Because of her being in the hospital for about three weeks she
could no longer live at the assisted living facility because she was
going to need 24 hour skilled nursing along with some occupational
and physical therapy.

On the day of HER DISCHARGE, guess who had the fine privilege
of transporting her to her new place of residence; "The Wheelchair
Taxi!" I personally did the transport of course.

But here's the even better part.

The administrator saw how much I cared for my grandmother
everyday because she was there once before prior to her going
to the hospital for the second time. The facility asked me if I
could come up with a contract so they could put us to work.

She said "You need to give these other 2 transport companies
around here some competition!" Needless to say, as of today
11/11/10, not only will I be transporting my grandma to her
doctors appointments, but also the other ambulatory and wheel
chair patients as well!

It’s a true blessing in disguise.

To all those that continue to Hate on you and all your "Get
Rich Quick Schemes," by all means, and I mean this with
regards to everything, PLEASE allow them to continue to HATE!!

That leaves more opportunity for me and the rest of the people
that have seen the benefits within the cost of your materials.

I've been away from UPS now going on 5 years and still going
strong. Had It not been for you and your "bright ideas" I wouldn't
be able to spend the quality time with grandma who raised me
and is 92 years young - time that I’m spending now!

Carlos Banks

Thanks again, Carlos! I’m so happy to hear of your growing
success and am honor that my information and materials have
been of assistance! Keep sowing the seeds of success!

Now, onto some outstanding financial news. But let me start by
telling you a brief story.

Earlier this past summer I traveled to meet with some venture
capitals in an effort to gain their assistance in providing financial
opportunities for those of us in the NEMT business.

Long story short, my efforts were temporarily curtailed because,
although so many of you across the country are using my
strategies and resources, as they said, “There lack a formalized
organized continuity between your clients.“

Now, as some of you whom I have recently been speaking and
working with, you know where I’m going with this.

It was a few years ago that I came up with the concept of
the United Medical Transportation Providers Group. But it
wasn’t until I was told by these venture capitalists that we
lacked “formalized organized continuity” before I realized it was
time to “pull the trigger” and take action.

While traveling back to New York from this meeting I knew that
the time for the United Medical Transportation Providers Group has

For those of you who haven’t yet watched the video I recently
published, then Click Here Now to watch and learn more. It’s well
worth the time!

Anyways, in moving forward, I cannot tell you how excited I am in
tell you that providing REAL funding opportunities for our UMTPG
members is now at our doorstep!

I can’t disclose all information as of right now as my attorneys
and I are still in the process of “hammering out” some details as
there are a variety of custom financing opportunities.

But I would like to share with you just a preview of one of the great
opportunities that I know will benefit our UMTPG members:

For all QUALIFYING APPLICANTS, you can receive up to a
$50,000 line of credit UNSECURED PERSONAL money line of
credit starting at ONLY 1.99%!

To put things into perspective, traditional banks are charging
between 9-13% and won’t go over $25,000 for a personal line of

Next, this is an unsecured, NO DOC (which means limited
documentation), personal line of credit that you can use to fund
your NEMT startup business. You can entirely skip all the
paperwork hassles, tax returns, etc.!

Long story short, get your MDT Business Plans and start laying
the foundation for your NEMT business!

Now, there are HUGE financing possibilities sitting before us, for
those of us in the NEMT industry - a goal of mine for quite some

I’m further excited about this opportunity because it’s one more
opportunity that will further enhance the benefit and possibilities
of the UMTPG.

Many of you have emailed me regarding the United Medical
Transportation Providers Group
for which I cannot thank and
compliment you enough. You’ve requested more information, but
please accept my apologies for not mailing further information as
of yet.

As you can see, I’ve been very busy working behind the
scenes with one of my attorneys, my accountant, web designer,
and more in laying the foundation for what I know will become
an extremely beneficial organization (UMTPG) for all of us
associated with the NEMT industry!

See keep checking your email and mailbox. I will have more info
about the United Medical Transportation Providers Group very

Keep checking your email and mailbox.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Fouinder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group

Opportunity is staring us all in the face. The problem is you
can't give sight to someone who has no vision!