Subject: Dude! Classic Error 101!

Hello to all our Active and Pending Licensees!

We are in the process of "cleaning house" and cutting out the dead weight from our email databases.  In so doing, Elisabeth sent me the following message from one of our subscribers:

"I was one of the premium providers for the state of Wisconsin and in August of 2018 when my contract was terminated unilaterally by MTM and I have to close my business. I had 18 drivers and a good Network , dispatching and call takers. My error rate was 0.005 percent. I serviced the people of [Name of City] for last 8 years and now I am sitting on the sidelines to see the exit of MTM and wait for LogistiCare to take over."

DUDE!!  This one small paragraph is more powerful than anything I could ever say!

CLEARLY, this provider never studied my material because he would NEVER have built his business like this!  


But the good news, as a broker, he will NEVER have such an experience!  Again, INCREDIBLE!

If you plan on starting your own broker business and joining our network, then use the link below:

If you do not plan on starting your own broker business, not a problem.  You can either unsubscribe below or simply ignore and your email will auto-delete in the coming days.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis 

Maximus Management Group, Inc., P.O. Box 10, 13737, Bible School Park, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.