Subject: Don't Be a Sheep!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar community!
I hope this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

While traveling to the gym early this morning I was
listening to the local radio personalities. They were
discussing a lengthy list of all of the various increases
in cost of household related items; milk has gone up
34%, eggs have gone up 29%, butter has increased
29%, various meats have gone up 25-40%, etc., etc.

Their point to this lengthy list is that inflation is on the
rise but, unfortunately, people's paychecks are not
increasing proportionately! So, the radio personalities
proposed a scripted list of strategies that the average
person can use to help save money and reduce cost.

Sure, these radio personalities had some great points
and their intentions of relaying this information to the
masses is good and just. And if you follow these
proposed strategies I'm sure the average person will
save a little money.

But honestly, in my opinion, I hope that none of you,
none of you that have subscribed to my Million Dollar
Newsletter or invested in any of my Million Dollar
resources are willing to settle for mediocrity or following
the masses. I hope you're all just finding more ways to
make more money!

Should you all save money? Heck yeah! I save a lot of
money. Saving money is the foundation of making money!

But honestly, in my opinion and personal experience,
if your energies are more focused on saving money rather
than MAKING money then you'll find it very difficult to
ever accumulate ANY money!

Is inflation on the rise? Yup - most definitely! And is the
average paycheck on the rise? Nope - unfortunately not!

As I have been saying for a long time, we're heading
into a recession which further influences inflation. Which
brings me to another great point of settling for mediocrity
mentality and following what I call "The Masses Mentality."

Are you waiting on the edge of your seat for the $600
rebates we should all be getting some time this summer
from big brother government? Talk about settling for
mediocrity!? Talk about following the masses!?

Think about it. We, the United States, are going to barrow
billions upon billions of dollars from the Chinese to be
used to distribute $600 a pop to individual tax payers. And
what are you expected to do with this money - spend it,
and realistically on more Chinese made products?

The hope is that when you get this "disposable cash" you'll
spend it (God forbid we save it) to help stimulate the
economy. Will it work? Sure, in the short term it'll help our
economy. But seriously, who's economy are we really
helping long-term?

We have to repay the loan with interest to the Chinese
along with all the other loans that we currently owe them.
Plus, we're buying their products in unimaginable quantities.

So again, whose economy are we really helping long-term
and what kind of money-making habits are "The Masses"
learning? Don't try and make more money, just wait on
big brother government. They'll bail you out, give you a
check at their convenience and then you can spend it!

Seriously, to all of you in the Million Dollar community, I
could care less about your political affiliation. I think
you'd agree that there are very few politicians that any of
us could trust!

I just hope that all of you are deeply intent on pursuing
thoughts and actions of growth and prosperity and not that
of being average, settling for mediocrity, or simply surviving.
Why survive when we can thrive?! And yes, we can thrive
even in a recession - even with increased inflation.

If now is not the right time for you to take bold action and
take control of your own destiny, then when? When is the
right time to take control of your financial future?

Are you going to focus only on saving more of your left
over money after already paying high taxes? Are you going
to be hoping that inflation will begin to slow rather than
finding ways to make even more money? Or maybe you're
just waiting on your summer "rebate" check? Then all your
problems will be solved - Not!

But seriously, because you're part of the Million Dollar
community, I sincerely hope and encourage you to be
focused on what you want in life rather than what you
don't want. Focus your efforts on making MORE money
rather than focusing on how to stretch what little you
already have.

Again, do not settle! Don't follow the masses! Don't be a
sheep and just follow the herd. The average person spends
$1.30 for every $1 they make - a HUGE strategy for
financial failure!

Make more money, save more money, and make your
money work for you!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

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