Subject: Diversify & Expand Your Business!

How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company

Hi Friend,

I hope that this message finds you and yours doing well and that
business is booming!

At my recent Million Dollar Seminar I spoke of the need and ability to
leverage your NEMT business into other venues and opportunities to
increase profitability. 

We all know the economy stinks, unemployment is high, and inflation is
rising disproportionately in relation to people's income.

All of this means that, as entrepreneurs, we need to think and operate

Where people are being laid off and downsized, I'm saying that we need
to be thinking diversification.

Where others look to reduce and constrict in an effort to protect what
little they have, our diverging mentalities need to be focused on growth,
prosperity, and diversification.

You already have drivers, vehicles, resources, and infrastructure that
you can be using to further expand your money-making opportunities. 
So the question begs, are you?

At my seminar, I shared how I made a LOT of money by diversifying
and using my existing assets to generate new sources of revenue and 
build even more clientele.

And now, I want to share with you just such an opportunity!

Over the last year, Carlos Banks, owner of "The Wheelchair Taxi," has 
been experiencing great success in the courier business, so much so
that he incorporated his new service, "Quick Time Courier."

You may have seen Carlos in some of my videos and interviews posted
on my various sites.  He worked with UPS for 20 years before giving it
all up to start his own NEMT business back in 2006.

His growth over the last four years have been outstanding and his efforts
even better!  Why - because Carlos has taken the time to write an
ebook sharing his success in the courier business and explaining how
you can do the same! 

Able to draw upon his 20 years of success in the courier industry with
the UPS, Carlos and "Quick Time Courier" are now serving as a
subcontractor for large delivery companies. 

He's contracting with pharmaceutical companies and the American Red

He's delivering parts and supplies for auto parts stores as well as
contracts, envelopes, and small packages for banks, law firms, local
businesses and more. 

And now, through his ebook, "How to Start a Successful Courier and
Small Package Delivery Service," you're going to be able to learn and
apply Carlos' success to further grow and expand your transportation

And here's the good news:

1. You're going to be able to leverage your existing NEMT business to
jump start your courier business

2. Your potential markets are limited only by your ambition!  Seriously,
hospitals, nursing homes, facilities, businesses, banks, and so much
more are always in need of courier services.  AND you're already
partnered with and working out of some of these facilities!

3. Delivering small packages can be a lot quicker and more flexible than
delivering human cargo.  And, it's a whole lot cheaper in terms of
insurance, licensing, registration and more.

4. I've personally read Carlos' ebook a few times and definitely support
and stand by his resource.  If I didn't, then I sure as heck wouldn't be
sitting with Fat Man fingers typing these little keys!

5. "How to Start a Successful Courier and Small Package Delivery
Service" is going to retail for $47.  However, upon my request to further
benefit and assist everyone within our MDT Community, Carlos has
given me permission to share his ebook with you for ONLY $37!

So, if you've at all thought about expanding your NEMT business, which
I definitely encourage you to do especially considering our current

economic conditions, then I encourage you to invest in "How to Start a

Successful Courier and Small Package Delivery Service."

Again, I've read Carlos' work multiple times and am very proud of and
commend him on his efforts.  Trust me.  If I did not support this
resource I would not be sharing this opportunity with you.

So, email me at and I will 
respond with a link from where you can invest using any major credit
card.  Carlos doesn't even have a website for this resource which further
makes this opportunity that much more exclusive!

Remember, where some people are running scared and downsizing,
I'm saying "No," be opportunistic, reach, expand, and diversify!

Email me now at and get started
building a thriving courier service.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
Founder, the United Medical Transportation Providers Group