Subject: Clocks Tickin'! Act Now!

Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community! 
As always, I hope that this message finds you all doing well and that
business is booming!

It's almost the middle of May.  If you haven't made your hotel
reservations as of yet for my one and ONLY Live event of 2010 then
you need to do so ASAP!

When you contact the hotel make sure you reference the Million Dollar
Seminar so that you get the discounted rate.  The hotel has already
advised that they won't be albe to hold this reserved rate into June as
they will be selling out because of wedding season!

So, visit us not at and reserve
your seat for June 26th Million Dollar Seminar! 

If you're serious about the NEMT industry and you're serious about
building a prosperous and lasting business then instead of asking if
you can afford to attend you NEED to be asking yourself if you can
afford NOT to attend!

Visit us at to learn more, reserve
your seat, and to contact the hotel info!

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis

There's a cost for action and an even BIGGER cost for inaction!