Subject: Check out the updates!

Friday, May 10, 2024


Hello to everyone within the Million Dollar Transportation Community!

Just sending out quick note to let you know that there have been some updates to our sites,  We included some more testimonials from past attendees.  In the event that you're "not sure" that the Million Dollar Seminar is worth your investment, just listen to these new testimonials.

You'll hear from Brad who already owns his own medical transportation company.  He attended the Seminar to discover new ideas and strategies for how to continue to grow and improve his business.

You'll also hear from Robert, the Traveling Hobo.  If you will recall, the Traveling Hobo went on a two month cross county vacation tour.  Why - because HE CAN!  He's already built and sold his own business for a profit and now he's going to start his own Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company.

So if you're still unsure, if you're still on the fence, then check out what others are saying at  Or, if you're just plain cheap and you don't think your entrepreneurial future is worth the investment, then just stay home while others are working to improve themselves!

Remember, February 3rd is the one and ONLY Million Dollar Seminar that I will be hosting in 2007!  So if you miss this one, you're definitely going to be missing out.

See you at the Top!
Joel E. Davis
(607) 797-1477


PS:  Make sure you've thoroughly read "How to Build a Million Dollar Medical Transportation Company" prior to attending the Seminar.  We will be discussing and strategies that are in addition to what is in the ecourse.  If you still haven't purchased your copy of the ecourse, do so now by visiting us at