Subject: 😊 Your Recording - Women of Power and Spirit

Hello Friend, Beautiful Woman of Power and Spirit,

The Gift of Forgiveness is the theme of our guest speaker for the month. 

I know from personal experience, that truly forgiving a perpetrator is something that happens over time, after we have found deep compassion for ourselves. And when we can find compassion in our hearts for the one who has harmed us, we are uplifted in love. Such forgiveness can't be rushed, but it can occur as we deepen into  compassion. 

With that understanding, I'm honored to share with you an interview I did with Lea Chapin.

Lea Chapin was sexually abused as a child and overcame the challenges of her abuse by forgiving the perpetrator. The power of forgiveness and the study of metaphysics eventually led her to connections with the Ascended Masters and the Celestial Realm. Through those connections,she helps people who suffer, and who continue to suffer in silence, to heal their wounds and empower themselves. Today, she lives her life with great joy and enthusiasm to be of assistance to others.

I hope you will check it out in your members area.

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Share your thoughts about what struck you most about Erica's healing here:

I look forward to hearing about your authentic voice!

Holding you in my heart and songs,

2675 W. Hwy 89A PMB 455, Sedona, AZ 86336, United States
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