Subject: Reminder! Your group mentoring call is in 10 minutes

Hi Friend,

Your first group mentoring call for SHE: Doorway to the Divine is today, Saturday, November 17 at 9:00 am PT/12:00 pm ET.

Here is a time zone converter to help you pinpoint the time for you:

We'll be using Zoom Video Conferencing, and having your camera on is recommended.

Join Zoom Meeting

One tap mobile
+16699006833,,164651948# US (San Jose)
+16468769923,,164651948# US (New York)

Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 164 651 948
Find your local number:

Getting Coaching Support on the Calls

If you are planning to attend and want to receive coaching on the call, post your request for coaching time in the Facebook Group. Coaching will be done on a first come first serve basis. One of our team members will be watching for your requests.

If you can not attend a group mentoring call (due to work obligations or time zone constraints) but want support, post your actual question on the Facebook Group and I will address them on the call. Recordings of the calls will be posted in your Members area within a few days afterward.

Your Private Facebook Group

Your SHE: Doorway to the Divine Facebook Group is now live! Please go to the URL below and register. Since it's a private group, we'll need to accept you into the group (which, of course, we will)!

Please use this group to post a request for coaching during the Saturday group mentoring calls (see below).

Also, I invite you to use the group to share your experiences with SHE, and interact with the participants on this sacred journey with you.

Accessing SHE Videos and Resources in Your Members Area

As always, you can access your SHE materials in your Members area here:

Members Area:
Password: breakthrough

I'm so excited to see you this Saturday!

Holding you in healing love,
Misa Hopkins, 2675 W. Hwy 89A PMB 455, 86336, Sedona, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.