Subject: Friend, Last Day to get into the Unshakable Self Love Retreat

Grab your seat now 😉

Dear Friend,

Just a loving reminder that today is the last day to get into the Unshakable Self Love Retreat: End Emotional Overwhelm and Awaken Your Power retreat this weekend...

... and there is still room for you! 😉

Learn how to quiet down those noisy, negative thoughts in our minds. Open your heart wide as we cultivate our spiritual capacity for compassion—starting with ourselves. 


Discover ancient wisdom and practices that helps us sustain our commitment until the doors of self-love open wide.


I’ve been so inspired by the women I’ve been meeting, teaching, coaching and supporting, I put together a brand new 2-day immersive experience—the Unshakable Self Love Retreat: End Emotional Overwhelm and Awaken Your Power.

During our virtual weekend together, I take you into balancing both sacred feminine and sacred masculine practices for quieting your mind and calming your emotions, so your true power in Divine self-love can rise naturally.

You can learn more about it here:   

I'm looking forward to creating a sacred space for you this weekend so you can end overwhelm and awaken new levels of your power!


Holding you in my heart and songs,

PS Take advantage of the deep discount on the retreat, and then invite a friend to join you for free as your guest. These kind of experiences seem to be even more special when they are shared with sisters we love!