Subject: Friend, Getting out of repeating patterns

... the ones that you don't want

Hello Friend!

There are some patterns you certainly want to repeat—like feeling successful; achieving something important to you; inspiring trust and love; feeling heard and seen; enjoying great people, wonderful food, special places and treasured moments.


And then there are patterns you’d like to bring to a full stop—like feeling unworthy, feeling depressed or angry, being physically unwell, feeling unsatisfied with life, not making your unique difference, or meeting people that don’t value you.


Those are the patterns we’d like to bring to an end—yesterday!

Unseen, hidden patterns can feel like they are in control of your life. You know, what that feels like. Something doesn’t work out—again. You are looking for how you might have sabotaged it, but you can’t see what you did that could have kept you from what you wanted.


So, you logically surmise the Universe must be against you, but deep inside you know that’s not right either.


What’s going on?


Patterns. Hidden beliefs, that are just beyond your conscious reach are creating a subconscious foundation that is working against you, over and over again in a familiar pattern.

Find and lovingly release the hidden belief, along with its inherent pattern and you remove the obstacle.

And as you have no doubt discovered, those beliefs and patterns are sneaky things. They are absolutely the hardest to see inside yourself.


But they are not invisible!


So how do you identify and change the beliefs and patterns that are getting in your way?

Here’s the thing about deep-seated patterns. Positive or negative, they formed when you were a child, and before that, in earlier lives.

This is why so many of us seek help when we are ready to identify and shift a pattern. 


Because we often have multiple beliefs and patterns limiting our ability to create the lives we want, many of us continue to seek help throughout our lives


Just a few months ago, I received advice from a therapist about how to break through a stifling communication pattern I was creating with my husband. 


She saw something I hadn’t seen, so when I shared her insight with Jeffrey and adopted her recommendation, we turned the pattern around very quickly.


It still shows up occasionally, but we are able to get to the root of it and get back to our usual fun-loving relationship in relative minutes.


Soon, it won’t exist as a pattern at all anymore.

Once you understand the roots of the pattern, you know what needs to change in order to end the hidden sabotaging behaviors. You know where the love is really needed!

Then—and here is the fun part—you get to establish and nurture new patterns that lead you to greater joy.


You still get to have patterns, but they are new ones—chosen intentionally by you to create your best life.

In an instant, you find it easy to drop any judgement you have about yourself.


Once the judgement is gone (or at least on hold), there is finally space for healing. After that, it moves pretty quickly from stuck patterns to freedom.


That’s why I created my SHE Rising Program—to provide you with ancient, time-tested practices that end those old non-working patterns so you can awaken to deeper self love and joy.

Although the program started this Saturday, we’ve still got room for a few more women, who are ready to change the patterns of their past and create some new life-giving patterns.


(Not to worry, our first Training Session was recorded! 😉)


I’m happy to meet with you and share with you how we use ancient feminine practices to do it! 


Click the link to get started, and a expect a warm, no-pressure, conversation about what you need and what SHE Rising provides.

Go there now, because my SHE Rising Strategy Sessions tend to fill up quickly, and I'd be honored to see you.

Holding you in my heart and songs,

SHE Rising Strategy Sessions

Although Misa's popular SHE Rising program has begun, she has opened up 3 more seats. If you are ready to put an end to patterns that no longer work, and create some new patterns for the life you truly want...

... sign up for a private SHE Rising Strategy Session with Misa, and find out how women are discovering an unshakable love that transcends pain and awakens joy!

"I have been thinking for awhile to send you this email, to let you know how grateful I am for the course. Although not too much is going on that is visible outside, on the inside ‘I’ve been moving mountains’ The first few weeks had a profound healing effect on my childhood traumas. I feel like something deep has shifted.

I went on a pre-arranged visit to my family. I found myself having totally different, more positive feelings towards my parents and other family members. I think perhaps I’ve been expecting something they could never give me despite how much they tried, and I could never appreciate their efforts because they didn’t know how to meet my exact emotional needs. This time, I actually felt all the love and care they’ve given me throughout my whole life.” — K. 

Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony for Awakening Women

Join us for this 1,000 year old ancient ceremony in the Divine Feminine, as women from around the world gather together to create virtual sacred space.

You can expect compassion, laughter, tears, and virtual hugs as like-hearted women create a safe and sacred space for better lives and a better world.

If you’re not already receiving monthly invitations to these powerful online gatherings, sign up here. You’ll also receive a free audio download of The Holding Meditation upon which these ceremonies are based:

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