Subject: Your most important questions for 2016

Hello Friend,

With each New Year, like many of us, I give myself permission to pause for a while and ask myself the really important questions like:
  • How can I use my sacred gifts to make a greater difference in the world?
  • What do I need to know or do in order to heal fully, rejuvenate, and maintain my health?
  • What do I need to reinforce or change to experience a deeper intimate relationship?
  • What do I focus on this year to expand into greater prosperity?
  • How can I deepen and expand my experience of Divine, infinite love?
And each year, I take a look at my spiritual gifts, noticing which gifts are becoming stronger. I do that because the gift that is naturally expanding is often indicating where and how to focus my energy.

My gifts themselves become indicators about the direction my alignment with the Divine is taking me, which in turn allows me to fulfill my sacred contracts and desires, with greater ease and joy!

Now you know why I love doing Readings for people at this time of the year.

Because one of my gifts is an ability to understand your gifts and how to best use them, I love to provide insights about how to make your year more meaningful and a lot easier.

I’ve been doing Readings like this for nearly 20 years and I still I love to hear things like this:

I learned more about myself in my call with you than I could ever imagine. I had a peace about me this weekend that I haven’t felt in a long time. Knowing what I am here for has taken so much pressure off and allowed me to just enjoy my time.

—Wendy Samuels

In case you missed the special earlier this month, you can still get a Reading with me at a significantly reduced price when you reserve your Reading by Sunday, January 3.

You can choose from a Healing Reading, Life Path Reading or Soul Journey Reading.
Discover more about how Readings work and can help you, and step into the New Year feeling empowered by all the Divine gifts and abilities that live inside of you:

Holding you in my heart for a very special 2016,
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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