Subject: Your Prescription from Heaven


Compassion is a loving state of understanding that extends beyond empathy.

What helps people who are suffering is your ability to open to the vast nature of Divine love.

As you rest in that beautiful place of peace, trust and agape, you are able to Hold another safely.

When someone needs compassion, open to the limitless nature of the Divine, and then Hold them in that love.


During our Full Moon Healing Water Ceremonies for Awakening Women, we open to the vastness of our compassion. In coming together, we create a field of compassionate love, vast enough to Hold all that needs healing.

Our next ceremony is Monday, January 17 and the theme is A Woman's Truth. (Dates change every month, along with the full moon.) 😉

If you aren't already receiving our monthly invitations, go here to start receiving yours (and receive a complimentary audio recording of the Holding meditation that tens of thousands of women are using to release pain and unleash their joy:

Remember, while empathy can resonate with the pain, compassion resonates with the love that is needed.

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