Subject: When you reach out for help ask these 3 questions -

Hi Friend,

Sometimes the one thing you need for growth is the one thing you are afraid to do. Shannon L. Adler

I remember the first time I realized I needed to see a therapist. I was in a lot of emotional pain, and I was afraid to let anyone see my underbelly. But finally, the pain was too great to withstand and I asked for help.

It’s so funny how we do this when it comes to emotional and spiritual matters.

When we need to learn a skill for a career, we sign up for the course as soon as we can. When our bodies are in disrepair, we make an appointment with a doctor.

But if we think the root of our pain is emotional or spiritual, we will often try to tough it out. In my own experience, and in talking with hundreds of clients over the years, that rarely works.

We get embarrassed, thinking we should be able to figure it out on our own. And yet…

Emotional and spiritual roots of pain can be some the most difficult to identify on your own.

The skies finally started to clear up and the pain died when I admitted I needed help and allowed myself to receive it.

But before I was able to get that help, I had to admit I was afraid for anyone to see my safely guarded underbelly. Once I faced my fear and realized it was the only way I was going to heal, I sought out people to help me who would treat that soft underbelly with respect.

I worked with some amazing coaches and teachers who showed me how to use my fears (the ones hidden inside that underbelly) to tap into the emotional and spiritual freedom and power that was waiting for me. 

My only regret is that I didn’t ask for help sooner! :)

If you are thinking about getting some spiritual-emotional support to help you move past your pain and into your power…

Here are three questions to ask yourself:

1. How do you know it is time to get help?

• You’ve been trying on your own and not making enough progress
• You are totally fed up with the pain and discomfort, and you’re ready for change
• You’ve got things you want to experience, and they don’t include feeling trapped anymore

2. Who do you reach out to?

• Someone you trust who is compassionate and has a philosophy you share
• Someone recommended by a friend or relative you trust
• Someone who gets the results you want to be getting, with an approach that feels right for you

3. What should you expect when you do reach out for help?

• You should not feel judged for what you feel, believe, past choices or your circumstances
• You should feel met with empathy and concern for the challenges you’ve been living with
• Whoever you consider for help needs to see and believe in your potential
• Whoever helps you should have a proven pathway to healing

These are the questions I ask myself when I’m thinking about reaching out to someone for some coaching or counseling in some area of my life. And consistently, I work with some of the most talented and helpful professionals—whether I’m choosing a doctor, a business coach or I’m needing spiritual mentorship.

They are the very same questions I hope new clients are asking themselves when they talk to me about getting support in solving their emotional and spiritual dilemmas.

Plus, I believe it is important to interview each other before anything begins. That’s why I offer Sacred Healing Strategy Sessions to anyone considering counseling sessions with me. You can schedule your complimentary session here:

Holding you in compassion,

Private Counseling Sessions with Misa

Misa’s clients get results as they learn how to turn emotional, physical or spiritual pain into freedom. Here’s what one client had to say about what she discovered in her time with Misa:

I uncovered one of the major hindrances to my health and was able to make some significant changes in attitude and perspective. This has me moving forward in much more healthy and enjoyable ways of life… I have fewer migraine headaches, less back pain and sleep better! I am so much more upbeat, happy, trusting of myself and my process, and enjoying ordinary life now! —Arlheanna

Misa recently opened up some new spaces in her schedule for Private Counseling appointments. One of those could be yours. Check out the kind of results people are getting in sessions with Misa, and how private sessions work:

Recorded Sound Healing Session of the Month

One woman in eight develops a thyroid problem in her lifetime. You may know that thyroid problems are attributed to issues with energy, hormones and more. Did you know that metaphysically your thyroid is also connected to following your intuitive wisdom?

If you are ready to find physical, emotional and spiritual balance with your thyroid, Misa just recorded this brand new Sound Healing session for you!

It’s on introductory special this month for 50% off.

Be sure to let your friends know.

Guided Meditation of the Week

Opening to Intuition—Holding Meditation

Open up to your intuitive guidance in this guided meditation with Misa:

Prescription of the Week

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right.
To your fulfillment!
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