Subject: When the impossible became possible

She amazed and inspired me…

Hi Friend,

Many years ago during my 10-year spiritual walkabout, I met Amelia, a 70-year women diagnosed with an aneurism—and a heart too weak to undergo the necessary surgery.


I was sitting in her living room explaining how Sound Healing worked. Amelia was in awe. “It really works?” she asked me. 


“Yes, it really works,” I replied, and then shared with her how I sang to a cut on my hand that would normally require stitches and sealed it up using sound.


“And you think it can do that for me?” she asked, with a mix of hope and disbelief.


“Yes, it can,” I assured her.


“Okay, if you are sure, then let’s do it,” she decided.


I had spent the morning with Amelia talking about her life and all of the traumas she had experienced in a pretty rough life.

We were going to spend the next 5 days together, doing energy work and unraveling the pain that had left her doubting that miracles could happen for her.  


I grew to love this woman, as she tackled each memory—finding compassion for the child, young woman, and mature adult who had endured significant hardships—yet still maintaining a loving heart for the people in her life.


Day by day, she opened to feeling that compassion for herself and the life she seemed to have fallen into. That compassion created a safe space for healing—the results of which would become a standard for me for the rest of my life.


Recognizing that she was skilled at visualizing, I suggested that during our sessions she hold a beautiful symbolic vision for healing her heart, while I sang her healing songs. And so we did.


Each day became a journey into deeper compassion, sweet visions of still water, and loving sounds. 


Two weeks later, I received am excited call from Amelia’s daughter that her mother’s x-ray showed that she had grown a new heart valve!

Amelia amazed and inspired me as she made the leap from thinking that healing with sounds and visualization was impossible to showing me WHAT was TRULY possible.


Ever since then, when my fears try to grab hold and I start doubting the power of what we can do—all I have to do is think about Amelia, and my faith in our human potential is restored. 


Some years later, I discovered the Cymatic research being done, and witnessed in scientific demonstrations what I saw and sensed when I was singing healing sounds.


When exposed to the right sounds, cells, molecules and atoms in the body rearrange themselves into their healthy order and movement—supporting the body’s natural healing tendency of returning to homeostasis.

The way the sounds are made is as important as the actual sounds themselves. And it is in understanding the wisdom behind the sounds that gives them their true power.

The human voice is infinitely flexible in addressing both the emotional and physical issues. A trained vocal sound healer organically senses and can get to the specific sounds needed for the healing required. 

And the ability to heal with sound lives inside every one of us. (No singing skills are required.)

After studying with a Native elder and a sound master from Japan, I formulated a learning approach that hundreds of practitioners around the world are using to access the kind of sounds that create physical and emotional well-being.

When I get a nudge from Spirit that there are people ready to learn this ancient and profound art, I like to put my Sound Healing for Wellness Program on special. I think a world filled with people who know how to sound their way to wellbeing is a world I’d like to live in!

Please check below to learn more about the special that ends this Monday, September 20th

Oh… and I also just added a short Cymatics video to the course info web page so you can see more of the science behind sound healing for yourself. 😊


Holding you in my heart and songs,

Sound Healing for Wellness—Special Ending

Sound healing isn’t just a nice thing to do. According to Misa, it’s a natural way to realign the sacred geometry of the cells and molecules of your body. 


Take a look at the new video of Cymatics—showing you the science of how sounds affect physical matter—when you visit Misa’s webpage about her Sound Healing for Wellness Course.


It's 50% off through this Monday, Sept 20, so check it out now!

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Here are just a few stories from participants who have learned Sound Healing from Misa:

This week I busied myself right into a migraine headache. This was the first time I was able to turn it around. —Amari

Misa's teaching and sound healing have been an important part of my getting better from CFIDS. —Sunday

I sat back in my chair and experimented with the sound healing...After a good night's sleep my [back pain] was gone. —Genevieve

My lab results have been increasingly favorable each time I am tested...

One of the defining moments for me was having a spontaneous journey...that gave me insight into a physical condition... —Drewsilla

I am amazed and delighted at how well my clients are responding to the sound healing. I am so glad that I am now able to incorporate sounds into my sessions. —Deborah, LMT

Coronavirus Sound Healing Gift

If you are concerned about the Delta variant of the Coronavirus, this recorded sound healing session will support you. If you have it already—awesome! If you don’t have it yet, you can download it here for free!


It’s Misa’s gift to you during this powerful time of healing!

You are welcome to share this with those you love!

Why Women’s Empowerment Matters 

Misa interviews Sande Hart, the founder of S.A.R.A.H. and the General Congress of Women. Sande sheds light on:


  • The real meaning of Mother’s Day at the time of the Civil War

  • The original Mother’s Day proclamation

  • What Chief Phil Lane Jr. gave to Sande for peaceful conflict resolution

  • The 4 essential elements of a successful feminine-based initiative or organization

  • How S.A.R.A.H. closes the gap between women of various religions and spiritual traditions


If you believe in the power of Feminine Consciousness to restore balance in the world, Sande shows you how to do it. Her insights will empower you (woman or man) in your job, career, and volunteer work.


Take a few minutes this weekend to join us and be inspired.


You can watch it here:

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What We Need to Know in a Changing World

Misa’s friend and colleague, Stephanie James (“The Spark” movie, book & podcast) and co-creator, Gabriella Masala asked 22 thought leaders…


… “What do we most need to know now to thrive on our planet, to move through these uncertain times with compassion, resiliency, and awareness?”


Get their insights, along with tools and secrets for today in her one-day special event, What We Need to Know—Wisdom for a Changing World:


You’ll hear living wisdom from Mark Nepo (NYT bestselling author of Awakening, Oprah), Natalie Ledwell (Mind Movies, bestelling author), Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman (pioneer in light, vision and consciousness), Sedena Cappannelli (Ageless Living, award winning author), Dr. Armit Goswami (pioneer in quantum mechanics), and our own Misa Hopkins, and so many more amazing luminaries.


Sign up here for this free event on September 26th:

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Women, War and Armed Conflict

Each month, S.A.R.A.H. and the General Congress of Women hold ceremony and discussion about one of the UN Women’s Bejing 12 Critical Areas of Concern.


As women of spirit and action, we invite you to join us for this month’s event, as together we bring feminine consciousness and healing into the world!

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Prescriptions from Heaven — Gift

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!

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