Subject: What you should know about mold, healing, and more

Hi Friend!

One of things about being a healer is that I’m really sensitive, and have to work hard to maintain my health.

I’m sure some of you can relate!

When I do become ill, like I did last winter, I do my best to heal quickly and use what I’ve learned to help others.

My first experience with bronchitis and pneumonia last winter healed up nicely and became the impetus to heal my sinuses, which have been compromised off and on over the past 15 years.

I made a surprise discovery about mold as I was healing my sinuses, as well as a link between mold and cancer. Here's what I discovered:

Healing Wisdom from Mary Magdalene
In a few days, I'm excited to be sharing with you some wonderful wisdom from Mary Magdalene for your healing.

I wasn't expecting to be channeling insights from her, but very glad that I was given a vision and opportunity to hear the healing insights she wrote 2,000 years ago.

So watch your e-mail, and be ready to learn from one of the greatest healers in history.
Heal the Wounds of Your Ancestors That Are Affecting You Today
If you have encountered persistent health, abundance, relationship or career issues that have been resistant to other healing modalities, there is a good possibility family karma is at work.

But you don’t have to live with it. You can learn how to break loose from family karma.

This is the last reminder to register for Ariann Thomas' powerful class on Ancestral Lineage Clearing. (Remember use this coupon code for $100 off: SFA-Discount100

CD of the Month Is Free
If you haven't picked up your copy yet, this month's CD is my gift to you in honor of the anniversary of my father's death. Both he and my mother died from cancer.

This Sound Healing Recording addresses mold in the body, that is believed to be the physical root behind some cancer.

Please share with friends and loved ones:

Holding you in my heart and songs,
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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