Subject: What our ancestors would want us to know…

They hold a gift for us that makes life so much easier.

Hi Friend,

I’ve been blessed to hear some people’s life songs when they cross over to the other side. It’s a way in which I can participate in blessing them as they make their way to the next chapter in their journey.


For those of you taking (or have taken) my Sound Healing course, if you hear someone’s life song at this auspicious time, it is a marvelous honor. 


With some individuals I am very close to, like my brother, I’m given a peak into their experience on the other side. 


I remember my brother’s crossing very clearly. I was trying to grieve, but he wasn’t having any of that. He was ecstatic! My grieving was simply going to have to wait. 

He had no remorse, no regrets, and no resentments. He was in pure bliss and he was delighted somebody here could experience some of that with him. 


He could see everyone in his life and had a birds-eye view of all the intricacies of relationships. His perceptions were so expansive, he saw beyond the perceptions that cause us pain as humans.


My brother is now among my ancestors. And this is one of the great gifts they provide for us

Our ancestors can help us access a state of such love and expansiveness that all is naturally understood and forgiven, freeing us to be in the joy of life.

Right now is a powerful weekend for connecting with our ancestors. It is a time in which the veil is thin between Earth and the other side. There are spiritual traditions and cultures that have known this for centuries.


While, it’s a fun and playful time for us or children to dress up as beings that inspire or intrigue us. It’s also a beautiful time to honor those we love who have transitioned. (heart) 


After honoring them, you can ask them for a glimpse of greater perspective that will allow you to let go of painful burdens of remorse, regret or resentment you have been carrying.

Before one of my elders (now ancestor) made her crossing, she made sure I had a practice that I could use to access expanded perception.


This practice allowed me to heal trauma from my childhood in the sweetest, gentlest ways I could ever have imagined, within a beautiful sacred journey.


One of my most difficult earthly relationships was with my mother, because I felt emotionally abandoned by her. 


But after following the steps my elder, Gigi, outlined for me, I had an entirely new relationship.

My relationship with my mother changed so much, she came to me in a dream—being the mother I’d wished she could have been for me when she was alive. 

In healing the trauma of my inner child, I had a more expansive view and greater compassion for the challenges both my mother and I experienced—that had ultimately led to our mutual feelings of abandonment and strained relationship. 

The mother I had experienced such a hurtful relationship with here on Earth, ended up becoming my spiritual mother and guardian angel. 

This sacred journey work is so powerful I put it into a step-by-step program so that you can do it, too!


If I’d had Gigi’s sacred journeys while my mother was alive, I would have done this process before I went home for the holidays—just to make sure I could stay in a more loving, expanded state while I was with her.


I didn’t get to do that, but you can. I hope you will take a look at the Healing the Inner Child program I created from Gigi’s series of sacred journeys.


You deserve to enjoy the expansive freedom that comes with healing the traumas of the little one still inside you. 


This is the wisdom your ancestors would want you to have—to know you don’t have to wait until you cross over to experience freedom from life’s traumas. You can experience it right now!


Holding you in my heart and songs,

Healing the Inner Child; Awakening Your Destiny

In just 21 days, you can experience profound release from childhood trauma you’ve carried all your life. Each day you receive a new audio journey (approximately 30 mins.). You will be creating a whole new childhood and a whole new you!


Start now and you’ll be ready to experience the holidays with your family in a way that allows you to actually enjoy yourself.


Watch Misa’s short 8-minute video, where she shares details of her journey and explains how and why the program works so well.  


This is one of Misa’s most loved programs. Check it out now while it is 50% off for a very limited time:

Here are some stories from people who have taken the course:


Taking this course was a truly life-changing experience for me as I uncovered things that had been hidden deep within me for a long time. Through breathing deeply and following the guided meditations, I got in touch with my true self and received many insights and profound healing through love and compassion. I became much more spiritually and psychically aware and learned how to tune into the unmet needs of my child at different ages. —Ewan


I was so hurt and could not feel my heart. I was so numbed out and turning to food to feel and fuel the emptiness inside of me. This course really shifted so many things and it has bettered my life in so many ways. I could feel my heart de-armoring. Not only feel but also hear how walls were removing themselves. 


Ancestors Within

You are the sum total of your ancestors. You were a dream of your ancestor’s ancestors so many moons ago.

Your ancestors worked tirelessly through thick and thin, times of hardship and times of plenty, days of birth and days of death, and forged ahead into an unknown future. They hoped for a better life, a way that would be passed down to their descendants—a life rich in meaning and fulfillment.

Our own Ariann Thomas (Healing Family Patterns) is one of the featured authors in this new book for discovering and connecting with your ancient origins—The Ancestors Within.


Misa says, “If you have an ancestor, you need this book!” Learn more about it here:

Sound Healing of the Month

This Sound Healing Session by Misa helps bring clarity to your life purpose, health and prosperity. Stimulates the third eye to empower you in making better choices in all aspects of your life for greater fulfillment.

It's on special for 50% off this month!

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