Subject: What healing system are you using? - Inspired Healing Message


In today's Inspired Healing Message we are taking a look at:

What is your healing system?
We don’t usually think about approaching our healing by following our own healing system do we?

Yet, I’ve interviewed scores of people on the air and off the air, who have healed from all kinds of illnesses by following a system.

Often, it’s a system that they have created—as in—I exercise in the morning, I follow this diet, I do this spiritual work once a week, I meditate in the evenings, and I go to this individual for counseling.

We put our systems together in all kinds of ways, often borrowing pieces from other systems we like.

Most people I’ve met incorporate practices for their mind, body, spirit and emotions to create a holistic framework for their healing

My Root of All Healing book came out of this same need to have a system, and because I’m a teacher, I wanted to develop an overarching approach that others could use, and adapt.

Why do you need a system? It’s simple. So that you actually do what is required to heal.

Take a moment right now to write down the system you have been developing for yourself. How do you address you spiritual, emotional, mental and physical needs for healing?

Then ask yourself, “What do I need to change or add to make it an even stronger healing system for me?”

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Dangers in being a "Yes" man or woman 
My co-hosts, Cyndi Krupp, Krystalya Marie', and Lily Jensen, share their thoughts about:

1. Can saying "Yes" become a bad habit?
2. Are there times that saying "Yes" can be a detriment to everyone?

“Yes” is a powerful word. Are you clear about when to use it and when to not? Listen in to this lively discussion and pick up some clues to using “Yes,” to reflect your true priorities and be right for everyone involved.

Listen in on Energy Healing for Mind, Body and Spirit on

Enjoy a delightful and healing weekend.

Holding you in my heart and songs,
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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