Subject: Want to thrive in every area of your life?

Discover the secrets of being an ageless woman

Hi Friend,

Are you over forty (or fifty or sixty) and wondering if life is all downhill from here? Especially in these crazy times?

Are you tired, scattered, anxious or moody?

Do you have a sneaking suspicion that it goes deeper than the craziness we’ve been living through in the past year and a half. Something is changing within you, and you can’t help but worry about losing your health, your financial stability or your vitality.

Now more than ever, you need the wisdom and tools to stay ageless and healthy, balance your hormones to feel and look your best and attract abundance so you can make the impact you want to make in your family, community and the world.

That’s why my friend, Natalie Matushenko, created the third-annual FREE Ageless Woman Summit (formerly Extraordinary Life After 40 Summit), which will be live from October 25th to 29th.

Natalie felt her life turn upside down in her 40’s and despite being a transformational teacher for over 20 years, she still struggled to find the resources to manage her hormones and make sense of her changing body, relationships, desires and needs. Add to that the sense that society puts women out to pasture once we’re past our childbearing years and the landscape looked downright depressing.

What Natalie discovered is that the best is still ahead of us! With the right resources and support, our changing hormones are the gateway to:

• claiming our wisdom and power as women

• feeling gorgeous, confident, successful, peaceful and alive

• optimizing our health to look and feel our best

• renegotiating all of our relationships so they fulfill us & enjoying mind blowing intimacy

• finding our true purpose and legacy & finally making the contribution we want to make

• finally healing our past so we step into the future unencumbered

• creating lives that are even better than anything we have imagined! Even in these crazy times!

Natalie has brought together over 50 world-renowned experts –transformational leaders, doctors, healers, visionaries, NY Times best-selling authors – including JJ Virgin, Marie Diamond, Marci Shimoff, Debra Poneman, Susan Bratton, Lynne Twist, Carol Tuttle, Dr. Claire Zammit, and many more so that in just 5 days, you can discover the secrets to being an ageless woman!

This is an incredible opportunity to learn simple, powerful, practical tools to balance your hormones, improve your relationships, enjoy greater intimacy, experience vibrant health, cultivate success and financial abundance, live your true purpose and make the impact you want to make in the world.

Together, we can create extraordinary lives and change the conversation of what it means to be a vibrant, confident, healthy and successful woman in her 40’s, 50’s and beyond.

I hope you will join us! Register now and get your free gift bundle just for signing up!

Holding you in the vision of being a truly ageless woman,