Subject: Vision for the World in 2022

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Happy New Year Friend!

I recently received a vision for the coming year that I wanted to share with you. And for this vision to make sense, it’s helpful to have context from the year we’re wrapping up.


Last year at this time, shortly after the US Capitol riot and the completion of our first year amidst the Covid outbreak, I sat down to Hold the world in its upheaval. I asked one question before I began my Holding meditation: “Divine Love, what do we need?”


Then I allowed my mind to become very, very quiet. In that great stillness I heard a single word from the depths of consciousness. That word was “Respect.” The energy and spirit of this word was palpable as I felt it open my heart wide.


Indeed, this world needed and still needs respect. All people on all sides of every issue are seeking respect for their beliefs and feelings. 


We don’t have to agree with another’s point of view. We can debate, and even be passionate about it. We can continue to address issues until we find responsible choices together.


Even in our disagreements, our willingness to respect the nature of the Divine that lives inside each of us opens the door to compassion and understanding—and as a result—far better solutions.


In 2021, “respect” was the word that I shared from the Divine as hope for our world.  Imagine with me for a moment a world built on love and respect where:


… politicians spoke with respect to one another and about people they disagreed with.


… you could thoughtfully post an idea on social media and be responded to, respectfully, with different points of view.


… people of all races, cultures and creeds treating each other with respect—as beings of Divine origin.


And so much more.


This is a powerful foundation that we can continue to build upon as we consider our potential in 2022.

In 2022, we can add something more to guide us. As I sat still in the silence, I saw a newborn baby being held out for me to welcome into my arms.


The baby was in a Santa hat, with all the joy and playfulness that image can evoke. 


For me, babies in dreams mean “rebirth.”


Of course, every new year is a rebirth. But after so much death these past two years, the life-giving energy of rebirth is particularly poignant, as it is filled with hope and potential. 

On the chest of this baby’s little onesie was a black square of cloth, like a runner might wear on the back of his shirt during a race. There was no word or number written on the piece of fabric, as though it is up to each of us to decide what would be written there. 


Our yin energy—our potential—is symbolized by the black cloth on the baby’s chest. What we write on that cloth is our yang energy—the light and sound of our love… expressed.


Each of us gets to decide what she or he will bring forth from the limitless, loving potential of the cosmic womb.


As you know, with every rebirth something changes. So, consider asking yourself, “What change would you like to become? What energy would you like to see come alive in you in 2022?”

This is the fundamental desire of the Divine pulsing through you. This is the blessing the world gets to receive from you this year, as you honor this sacred impulse. This is the hope of the Divine that you bring! 


You were born for this moment in the Earth’s evolution. And this Divine urging that you feel is the longing of your birthright saying, “It is time—now!” 


Knowing we are here together to evolve humanity, let’s get ready for a year of rebirth!


Holding you in your rebirth during 2022,

PS If I may speak on behalf of those who get to experience the Divine within you this year, we are so very blessed that you are here. 

Every month, we offer you resources from Misa's website at or her non-profit, They come to you with love and blessings!

Last Weekend for Lowest Prices on Readings

If you are unclear about your purpose, need healing insights, want perspectives about your soul’s journey or need to know how to use your spiritual gifts, it might be time for a Reading with Misa.


You can choose from a Life Path Reading, Healing Reading or Soul Journey Reading.


Her schedule is filling up fast, so go here now to learn more about how her Readings are transforming lives and get yours on her calendar:


Plus, this is the end of our December special and the last weekend you can get a Reading with Misa for $100 off. It’s Misa’s lowest price of the year:

Gifting a loved one? Simply purchase with the coupon as you normally would, then drop us a note with their name and email… and we’ll take it from there!

Here are stories from people Misa helped through a Healing Reading:

The reading was powerful, insightful, and has moved me forward in my journey. Being really heard, listened and spoken to, with language that has meaning for me and frees me to be open to expressing myself as the being I truly am is wonderful. I am so used to holding myself back to where others are energetically that I felt extremely expansive when I left our conversation. I look forward to speaking with Misa again. —Brenda


I had a Life Path reading from Misa on my gifts over a year ago, and it was out of this world! It was so chock full of gifts I knew I had but also many that resonated but I hadn’t seen much of yet…Her reading has been a massive Lighthouse for my life, and I have gone from a boring job of being an admin assistant to studying to become a spiritual hypnotist, developing several psychic gifts… I listen to Misa’s reading recording about once a month and I always hear something new and feel inspired. —Susan


Misa is very wise, and has a reassuring, lovely vibe. Her reading brought perspective on many areas of my life situation. She told me about the energy themes involved in some patterns in my life experience, and how to begin healing those. I am very thankful to Misa, she has a deeply compassionate spirit and her insights are kind and direct. The accuracy and detail of her readings is extraordinary. This really helped me in all kinds of ways. Heartfelt thank you, Misa. —Celia

Last Weekend to Create Your Own Sound Medicine Chest for a Healthy Winter


Good health is the best gift you can give yourself and others. That’s why we’ve been providing a 50% discount on Misa’s entire prerecorded Sound Healing catalog this holiday season. As the holidays are ending, so is this special.


So many of Misa’s readers have been taking advantage of this rare opportunity to create their very own personal Sound Medicine Chest, as well as gift their loved ones.


If you’ve been waiting to use your discount, now is the time to act. This is the last weekend … and we’re not sure if and when we’ll offer this opportunity again.


Use coupon code at checkout: soundhealing50

(Personalized sound medicine recordings not included in the sale.)

Gifting someone special? Simply purchase with the coupon as you normally would, then drop us a note with their name and email… and we’ll take it from there!

Happy Results—Happy People:


I listened to your Deep Peace sound medicine CD with the intention of quitting (smoking)… Since that day I am happy to report no smokes, no urges, no desire for cigarettes. —Jacki


I am so grateful and thrilled to have the use of my wrist back without pain and for Misa sharing her gift with others. The chiropractor told me it was an injury that he had never seen as bad on any client, e-v-e-r. It was also the beginning of arthritis as well. I barely had any movement in my thumb or wrist. I needed the use of my hands and refused to accept that! After listening to Misa’s (Deep Peace) recording for approximately one week, my wrist is pain free and almost as good as new. —Kelli


Not only did listening to these recordings help speed the flu virus out of my body, but it also healed the Oral Herpes virus, that I had carried in my cells for 25 years! I am so grateful for these. Every time I listen, I can feel more wellness flowing into my body. I continue to listen to the (Immune Builder) recording, and I feel stronger after listening to it every time. I haven’t been sick since I downloaded the tracks. I am grateful to Misa and delighted with the results. —Alison

Free Holding for Healing Meditation

Please join us—women and men—for a Holding for Healing Meditation.


We’ll be meeting on Zoom.


Saturday, January 8

At 9:00 am PST / 12:00pm EST / 16:00 UTC


Whether you are focused on physical healing, emotional or both, get ready for some sweet healing!


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 811 3007 6941

Passcode: 709704


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Time and date converter:

Type Los Angeles into the first field and your nearest city in the second field. Choose the day and time, and convert.

The time I have spent with Misa in holding sessions has been invaluable to my healing process. I have been doing a lot with my diet to recover from Epstein Barr Virus, but there are deeper emotional/mental/spiritual aspects of my health I needed help with. I have explored so many other healing modalities, some very complicated and some that would make me feel frustrated and stuck. I’ve learned from Misa that healing can be gentle, loving, peaceful, and simple. She has helped me shift through blocks and become much more aware of the places I am not being present to myself. I am learning so much about my capacity to hold love for myself and all living beings. —Ally


I am a fountain of gratitude for Misa. Once a month, I have been receiving a deep Private Holding Session with her which has been an extraordinary experience. One morning I woke up with severe nausea and vertigo. I could not pick my head up off the pillow. I thought I was having a stroke. Within a hour of my session with Misa, I was walking and back to my normal routine. —E.C.


I can more rapidly connect with and access my “spirit place” and let my challenging feelings and experiences be transformed there. —Cathy

Simple Trick for Discovering Your Life Purpose

Be sure to watch the entire video. The tip is at the end!

Prescriptions from Heaven — Gift

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!