Subject: Video: Being Empathic in Today's World

Happy Weekend, Friend!

When did you discover you were empathic or sensitive?

Did you realize it when you were having empathy pains for someone you loved?
Or when you could feel someone’s sadness behind their smile?
Or when you didn’t go out in public any more because you felt strange by the time you got home?

Empathy can be extremely challenging.

It can also be a powerful creative force, when you know how to use it.

In this video, Being Empathic in Today’s World, I share with you how:
  • trauma affects your empathy
  • you can decrease painful empathic reactions
  • empathy can actually work for you

Holding you in my love and empathy,

Private Counseling Opportunity

Misa is receiving applications for a brand new Private Counseling opening.

If you’ve been thinking about getting one-on-one coaching from Misa for your journey of healing and awakening, now is the time to do it. Misa hasn’t raised her prices in years, and they will be going up next month.

You get started with a free 30-minute consultation to determine together whether her counseling is right for you, so…

Discover how Private Counseling with Misa can help you create your own, unique and successful path to personal healing and awakening.

Applications are being received through Monday, October 14.

New Autoimmune Sound Healing Recording

Because so many of Misa’s readers are healing autoimmune conditions, Misa created a special Autoimmune Sound Healing recording.

If there isn’t specific recording for your unique condition in her shop, this one will provide you with support in your healing.

You can use it alone or with other Sound Healing recordings from Misa. Get it while it’s on special.

You can watch a video of Misa creating these healing sounds here:

Ending the War Between the Sexes

With everything happening in the US today, it can seem like men and women are at war with each other, jockeying to be seen and heard as women report past instances of sexual abuse and men scramble to protect their reputations. 

A friend and colleague of Misa’s, Steve Bhaerman, aka Swami Beyondanonda, invited her to appear on his radio show, Wiki Politicki, to discuss Sacred Feminine and Masculine perspectives on how we can end the war.

You can expect some thought provoking conversation about ending the ideological war and some great political satire to bring it all into perspective.

Steve Bhaerman is a beloved comedian, political satirist, speaker, radio host and author. His most recent book, Spontaneous Evolution, co-authored with Dr. Bruce Lipton, offers a holistic paradigm for planetary healing.

You can listen to Steve and Misa live on Tuesday, October 16th at 2:00 PT.

Learn more about Steve Bhaerman and check out Spontaneous Evolution at Wake Up Laughing!

Are You Ready for More Vitality in Your Life?

Imagine what you could do if you had more vitality?

How do you get it?

Misa and Jeffrey’s friend and media mentor, Pedram Shojai, the Urban Monk, provides a provocative look at the broken medical system in America and how our definition of health is skewed in his movie, Vitality.

This film takes us through a journey into lifestyle and teaches us the basic things we can do every day that can enhance our health.

Are you ready for more vitality?

Watch the movie. It’s available for free viewing for a limited time. When you finish, be sure to thank Pedram and let him know what most inspired you!

Prescriptions from Heaven—Free

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right.

To your fulfillment!
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