Subject: [Time Sensitive] Conquering Anxiety & Stressful Relationships

Hi Friend,

I wanted to let you know, in case you haven't been over to see what is happening at AVAIYA University on Conquering Anxiety and Stressful Relationships.

And if you are taking advantage of AVAIYA's free program, be sure to share this with friends who are looking for their answers when it comes to stressful relationships.

You have one last chance to tune into classes with me and other therapists, relationship experts & more this week during their Replay.


Tens of thousands of people are watching these classes and finding relief from their anxiety & healing from stressful relationships!

This online event is offered by iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, Co-Owners of AVAIYA University (creators & teachers of transformational courses, books, films and online events such as Breaking Free From Abandonment & Betrayal, Overcoming PTSD, Quantum Forgiveness, and many more).

I am honored to be one of the 30 world renowned teachers, therapists, doctors, psychologists and more who will be helping you break free from the grip anxiety and stressful relationships have had on your life, and/or the lives of those you love.

We have collectively helped millions of people, like yourself, live a life filled with ease, grace & peaceful relationships.

And now, it’s your turn for us to help you. Are you in for this weekend?

Click here to save your spot for this transformational online event now:

After you register, keep an eye out for AVAIYA’s email for specific details on accessing these free classes. 

Holding you in the vision of easy, enjoyable relationships,

P.S. Please share the love and forward this email to your friends, family and community – anyone who you think would benefit! Thank you for helping us change lives. 😊

These classes will be recorded and will be available at no charge for a limited time so you won't miss a thing. Save your spot right now, while it's fresh on your mind...