Subject: There’s still time…

A seat for you in the Unshakable Self Love Retreat

Hi Friend!

Thankfully, some of the moments of greatest overwhelm are like fuzzy memories now. But I do remember that years ago when I was separating from my first husband, moving, and finding a new job all at the same time—I was in overwhelm!


In order to feel sane, I had to find ways to move through all the thoughts and feelings I was experiencing. 


Transformation isn’t always easy when you are in the middle of the chaos that gets churned up. But I discovered it could be navigated.

Fortunately, a friend invited me to a retreat offered by Judith Duerk, the author of the book, Circle of Stones—a book that had gotten me through some pretty rough moments.


I trusted my dear friend and weeks later was sitting with a circle of women. There, with Judith’s gentle and loving guidance, I learned what I needed to do to quiet down my mind and honor my emotions


As I did, my intuitive wisdom opened me up and I could finally see a pathway to my freedom.


She understood the healing power of the Sacred Feminine in a way I had not yet experienced, and I am so grateful for every moment I sat with her and was mentored by her—because with her guidance—I came alive!


The world seems crazy right now, so in addition to the turmoil in our personal lives, we as sensitive women also feel what is happening around us. But after 30 years of supporting women in their journeys of healing and awakening, I know this to be true:


Together we can navigate rough waters and bring ourselves to calmer shores.

Next weekend, I invite you to discover what you can do when overwhelm is disrupting your life. 


For those of us (which is most of us) who have experienced trauma, learning how to navigate ourselves through those difficult times is key to claiming our peace and ultimately, our joy.


If you struggle with overwhelm now, or have ever struggled with it, and want to know how to quickly rest into your calm, centered wise woman-self, join me for the Unshakable Self Love Retreat.


And if you have attended my 3 Secrets to Unshakable Self-Love event… this retreat is where we dive deeper into ancient feminine wisdom transcend trauma-related overwhelm.


Your inner calm is key to your intuition working for you, consistently (when you need it most), and I’d be honored to show you how to get there!

I hope you will join us. I’d love to see you there!

Holding you in my heart and songs,

Unshakable Self Love Retreat

There’s still time to get in!


Learn more here about what you’ll discover in this powerful 2-day retreat:


There are still a few seats left reserved for members of Misa’s community at a deeply discounted tuition, so don’t delay!

The Need for Approval

If you have every wondered why you seem to have a need for approval, Misa talks about where this emotional/spiritual need comes from.

Then she gives you for 2 tips about how to deal with it for more confidence, happiness and fulfillment.

Sound Healing Sale

If you are feeling anxious about everything going on in the world, check out Misa’s recorded Sound Healing Session for Anxiety and Stress Relief. Get ready for some transformation, because these sounds move stuck emotional energy!


Find out more about it here. It’s on special for 50% off:

Join Women of Power and Spirit — Free

Join this growing group of conscious women and receive weekly healing and awakening video tips from Misa.

Prescriptions from Heaven — Gift

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!