Subject: The Myth About Surrender

Don’t get caught up in this when activating your purpose or healing

Hi Friend!

When I first discovered the concept of surrender as I was igniting my purpose and my healing, I bought into a myth.


I thought it meant giving up.


I thought surrender meant admitting defeat and letting go of my dream.


I figured I must have picked the wrong goal or that I must not have accurately heard my Divine guidance.


Or worse, at times I thought I wasn’t capable of fulfilling my purpose or intention to heal.

I was associating surrender with winning or losing.


Success and failure were all tied up with my sense of worthiness! Have you ever done that?

But spiritual surrender is far more profound than winning or losing. It’s about letting go of the struggle—recognizing what you no longer need and returning it to love.

In doing so, you can choose to fall into love—a love so vast, it is beyond feelings of worthiness or unworthiness.


This kind of letting go is an act of absolute trust that greater dreams are waiting to be fulfilled.

Did you know that trees form their buds at the end of summer? The tender buds of spring have already formed before trees surrender their leaves.


What about you? What new bud of a dream is forming in your commitment to healing or purpose?


What are you feeling called to lovingly release so to make way for something new?


Surrender is one of the most powerful concepts in conscious awakening and manifesting. In my SHE Rising Academy courses and in my Private Counseling Sessions…


… we discover surrender’s relationship with Yin (Feminine) energy, as we deepen in our capacity to yield to and fully receive the gifts of Divine love.

This depth of love gives us the power to sustain our intentions through the natural ups and downs of learning how to manifest greater dreams.


Because when you feel the need to surrender, there is no need to buy into the myth and “give up.”


Instead, consider that you are being called to surrender to a deeper, and more profound love for yourself, the Divine, and the healing and purpose only you can create.


Holding you as you surrender into love,

What is it time to finally let go of?

Is there something in your life that you are finally ready to surrender, if you just knew how to do it?


You know it would be a game changer, and you’ve been trying to figure it out on your own, but it just seems to be too elusive or complex.

When you've experienced emotional trauma at any time in your life, figuring out what to let go of and where to put your energy can be confusing.

Whether you want to:

  • Stop feeling taken advantage of and attract people who are there for YOU

  • Finally heal from what feels unhealable, and get your vitality back or

  • Put an end to unfulfilling relationships, so you can enjoy lasting love

Misa’s been helping people get out of the overwhelm and confusion that trauma creates for over 30 years.

And she can help you get clear about what to surrender and how to do it, so you can really enjoy a life you love.

Sometimes it just helps to have a little clarity and a roadmap. In a free Sacred Healing Strategy Session, that’s exactly what Misa does for you.

Go here now to apply for a complimentary session with Misa and be sure to ask her about her upcoming SHE Rising program enrollment that's starting next week. 😉

"I have been thinking for a while to send you this email, to let you know how grateful I am …Although not too much is going on that is visible outside, on the inside ‘I’ve been moving mountains’ The first few weeks had a profound healing effect on my childhood traumas. I feel like something deep has shifted.


I went on a pre-arranged visit to my family. I found myself having totally different, more positive feelings towards my parents and other family members. I think perhaps I’ve been expecting something they could never give me despite how much they tried, and I could never appreciate their efforts because they didn’t know how to meet my exact emotional needs. This time, I actually felt all the love and care they’ve given me throughout my whole life.” — K. 

Do you struggle with your sensitivity in a world full of criticism?

Are you a sensitive person struggling with being in a world that feels all too critical at every turn? I get it, because that's the way I once felt. Here's how Misa turned it around.

Does Your Voice Matter?

Here’s what Misa has to say about her friend and colleague, Cynthia James’ new book:


Cynthia James, was born into a life of trials that could have broken her spirit.  But it didn’t. In a candid, heart-melting story of her life, you are immediately swept into her extraordinary journey and what she learned about love, possibility, believing big, and finding her voice. In a world of divisiveness, Cynthia reminds us that what is special within all of us matters in creating a greater reality. You won’t want to stop reading, as along with her, you discover what is possible within you and how to tap into the power of your essential voice.  —Misa Hopkins, 6-time best-selling author


Check out Cynthia’s book for yourself and grab a copy for a friend:

Is a good idea to serve others while you heal?

Is it a good idea to help others while you are healing?

When you are in the midst of healing, you might be wondering if you should, at all, be helping other people or tending specifically to your healing.


Misa shares something she learned years ago that could help you make a better decision for you in your healing:

Prescriptions from Heaven — Gift

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!