Subject: Releasing doubt and worry – tips from Mary Magdalene & Native ancestors

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I had no idea how much I was self-sabotaging my life until one of my elders took me aside just months before she died, and carefully explained to me that worry and doubt block the energy to manifesting anything.

I thought she was just offering me another good tool for my teacher/healer toolbox. It was years before I understood that she told me because I was self-sabotaging my own life.

Doubt and worry become normal parts of our lives, until we decide to address them directly.

Fortunately, wisdom from my Native ancestors and Mary Magdalene came to my rescue, and I’m deeply grateful for how these practices turned my life around.

From my Native ancestors I learned the practice of Holding, that some of you have started to use in your lives. They taught me to take my worry and doubt into the womb of all-accepting Sacred Feminine love.

Here I finally rest, knowing that I am loved for who I am. And from that space I am reborn in my Divine nature to create the life of my choosing. Along the way, I learned the ways to approach this that allow it to be most effective.

Then I went to Southern France and walked in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene, where she lived for many years. Here, her spirit touched my soul. My dreams, visions and meditations called me to look at the ways I, and we as humans, are far too hard on ourselves.

She too called me into the same womb, often called by other names like vessel, chalice or grail, to surrender my doubt or worry to the all-encompassing love of the primordial feminine.

As I looked up to the night sky painted in so many of France’s cathedrals and sank into that womb of creation, she showed me a four-fold path for ending self-sabotage and opening to freedom through Divine love, and wisely, it begins in healing the self.

Mary Magdalene has a profound understanding of how we self-sabotage through our expectations of ourselves and others.

She suggests we release the pressure by letting go of all expectations, so that Divine will can more easily emerge.

It's a tall order, but how else would one press the reset button?

She showed me that our love is vast and all-healing, when we encourage ourselves to walk through the layers that bind us. She identified the layers, and I must say one of them really surprised me, but it has been amazingly healing. More about that soon.

She suggests that as we free ourselves, we are better able to free others, the soul of humanity, our planet, and even the cosmos. 

I’ve been so struck by how these two ancient sets of teachings from two different parts of the world, from two different traditions compliment each other perfectly. I’ve felt so richly blessed.

Then a couple of weeks ago, I received a vision in which I was shown it was time to reveal Mary Magdalene’s beautiful life-healing insights, woven with the ancient Native teachings I treasure.

So I’ve been working like crazy to create a class that weaves together these wonderful processes my ancestors and Mary Magdalene want you to experience.

The class will be ready in a day or two, so watch your e-mails.

If you have been looking for a way to release the doubt and worry that sabotage your best efforts, these two approaches are the most compassionate, yet powerful practices I’ve ever used.

I’m delighted to get to teach them to you.

If you feel this would help someone you love, please pass it along!

Holding you in my heart and songs,

, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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