Subject: Ready to Feel Alive and Thriving?

Hi Friend,

What would it take to feel alive and thriving every day?

I asked myself that question some years ago and was led to an answer that delighted me and sparked my life. I discovered that…


… When you are in a happy or joyful flow, you draw in the insights and resources you need with ease and grace. Synchronicities start happening. Life gets fun! (Even healing became more fun for me.)

We have all kinds of experiences that pull us out of flow, don’t we? Stress, world events, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, responsibilities, environmental toxins, illnesses, pain from our pasts. Lots of things pull us out of flow.

So, with everything going on personally and planetarily, how do you get to flow and stay in it long enough to create the life you want?

I spent a lot of time thinking I could somehow manufacture or manage flow. But that’s not how you create flow. It’s not a mental exercise.


I needed to awaken another part of me. I needed to open to my yin or receptive nature—where the energy of flow actually resides.


Once I did, my whole life changed for the better… and yours can, too! 🙏🏼


Indeed, my life work now is teaching the ancient feminine secrets with which I’ve been entrusted—wisdom and practices that take you into a state where that yin energy awakens…


A state where you are alive and thriving!


So, I’m inviting you to join me right now on a 1-week journey together where we’ll explore 5 of those feminine secrets of flow. I’m facilitating it live in a special private Facebook group absolutely free!

I used these secrets to:


  • heal MS and cancer

  • increase my income

  • write 5 bestselling books 

  • meet amazing people to co-create with

  • and so much more


These secrets are excerpted straight from my SHE Doorway to the Divine master class, where we fully commit to a journey of mastery with the Holding guided meditation. 


During our week together, you get to learn life-changing insights from my SHE master class and find out why people’s lives are transforming with ease.

You’ll discover and explore ways to awaken your flow, so that you are simply drawn into the life of aliveness and thriving you came to Earth to experience.

Women who have used the Holding and participants in my SHE Doorway to the Divine class credit the Holding with such powerful results as: 


Manifesting 3 new job opportunities in one week

Improved vision and fewer migraine headaches

Ending 15 years of chronic genetic depression

Less overwhelm and confusion

Healing from chronic illness

Finding a dream home

Feeling love from family

Gaining clarity of purpose


Now it’s your turn. 

Just sign up right now for the Alive and Thriving: Ancient Feminine Secrets in the Art of Flow, 1-week journey with me at no charge


All I ask in return, is that you actively participate. Because that’s how, collectively, we get things flowing! 😊

Doors are open now and our first live session together is Monday! So register here for your complimentary seat: 

Register here

I can’t wait to share these 5 secrets with you!


Holding you in my heart and songs,

Sacred Feminine Awakening 

Misa’s bestselling book, Sacred Feminine Awakening: The Emergence of Compassion, takes you into one of the fundamental traits of yin energy, and shows you how to access it at will.

Misa reveals perspectives about the Divine feminine nature that are not generally understood and reveals the mystery of its life-giving qualities when balanced with Sacred Masculine Energy


Check it out at Misa’s non-profit organization, Sacred Feminine Awakening:

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I love it when a book comes to light at just the right time. This book by Misa Hopkins feels in perfect timing with my intuitive development giving clarity to the yin yang. Understanding the importance of the darkness - the sacred feminine - sometimes we are so busy chasing the light. A highly recommended read to assist you on your journey. —Ruth Farley


Sensitively written and a joy to read. I really loved this book and I feel that anyone looking to move beyond fear programming and self-limiting thoughts- the insights and gentle wisdom written here will prove invaluable. —Kellie Wells

Practical Magic for You

Do you feel like you are living in the time you were born for?


If you do, then you are one of the great changemakers of our times.


This event was created to support you in the changes you are here to make…


… Practical Magic Season 2: Learn how to Apply Spiritual Laws in the Physical World to Create Abundance, Freedom, and Peace on Earth.


You’ll get practical magic tips from Dr. Alison J. Kay (NBC, USA Today), Jennifer Hough (author, Physics of Flow), Kimberly Maska (spiritual entrepreneur), Kerri Hummingbird (#1 bestselling author, The Second Wave) and more.  Of course, our own Misa will be there too!


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