Subject: Live Today! Complimentary Holding for Healing

Loving our bodies and spirits

Hi Friend,


As you know, giving adequate loving attention to ourselves also gives us energy to be present to those we love and those who need our love.


So I’m inviting you to our second…


Live Free Holding for Healing Meditation Today

Saturday, February 12

9:00 am PT; 12:00 pm ET; 17:00 UTC


Please join us—women and men—for a Holding for Healing Meditation.


By being there live, we will be able to energetically hold a space of loving support together.


Last month we filled every seat, so it will be available live on YouTube if you find the Zoom meeting is full!


The Zoom link is below. 😊


I look forward to seeing you there and expanding our field of love and healing together!


Holding you in my heart and songs,

PS Please feel free to forward this to those you love! 💖


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 867 0869 9003

Passcode: 044957



Find your local number


Seating is still limited on Zoom, so arrive early. If you don’t get into the Zoom call, no worries… you can head over to Misa YouTube channel and watch live from there



Come with your healing intention!


Time and date converter:

Type Los Angeles into the first field and your nearest city in the second field. Choose the day and time, and convert.