Subject: Let the Solar Eclipse ignite greater awakening

Hi Friend,

I invite you to join me today in taking a few minutes, during the solar eclipse, to bring greater love and respect into this world with a simple reflection on the dance of light (masculine) and dark (feminine) taking place.

Consider where there is a greater need for loving and respecting yourself.

In your feminine essence, where do you need to cultivate greater compassion?

In your masculine essence, where do you need to take greater action?

As I reflect on these, I will be blessing a bowl of water by singing with great love and respect for the earth, sun, moon and all of humanity. Then I give the water to Mother Earth. I know that as we bless the water, we eventually touch all of life.

So, perhaps you would like to find a few minutes today to join me in this ritual so that our love can become the spark of awakening for ourselves and all beings.

Holding you in my heart and songs,