Subject: Join Us for Women and Health at the General Congress of Women

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Hi Friend,

You are invited to join Grandmother Mona Polacca, of the International Council of 13 Grandmothers, and I at a special General Congress of Women’s Health and Wellness Event.


Women carry so much for our family, community and the world in our heart and on our shoulders, so this special call is an opportunity to nourish your mind, body and soul.


Grandmother Mona Polacca will set the sacred space and I will offer a live Holding Meditation and Sound Healing.


The host of this free event is the non-profit organization, SARAH (Spiritual and Religious Alliance for Hope). 

Give yourself a gift of sacred nourishment on June 21st.

Just sign up on their mailing list to receive your invitation:

I'd like to know more

I’ll see you there!


Holding you in my heart and songs,