Subject: How Sound Healing Can Change Your Life

If I had only known…

Hi Friend,

Some of you have heard this story, but in case you haven’t, I want to share the moment sound changed my life forever. (If you know the story, skip down below to the story about the 3-year old who healed his father!)


I’ve been singing almost since the day I was born. Ever since I can remember, I would hum sounds that came to me intuitively to help calm children when they were hurt or having trouble getting to sleep. 


As an adult, I studied voice and performed professionally. But my singing took a completely different direction the day my mother left her deathbed after I spontaneously sang to her in the hospital. 


If only I had known—those little songs I had been humming since I was a child actually had healing power. 

Within months, I had packed up my home, deciding to take a year-long sabbatical from my consulting practice to better understand this gift and its role in my life purpose (which ended up being a 10-year walkabout on a path of Awakening)


Eventually, I met a Native American medicine teacher that helped me understand how to use my healing gift. 


She taught me that when you come into the world with a gift like this, it is your responsibility to learn to use it well, and it is also your responsibility to share your gift with people in greater need.

So, it has been my privilege to sing healing sounds for people who are seeking relief from their pain and discomfort—including a catalog of nearly three dozen recorded Sound Healing Sessions.


More than anything I love to teach people how to do it for themselves. And if a 3-year old child can do it, so can you! 😉

One of my students taught her three-year old son to sing to himself when he got hurt. Well, you know how little boys can be. He scraped himself up fairly regularly and sang to himself when he did and healed himself.

One day, he was out with his dad, when his dad tripped and sprained his ankle very badly. Dad told me he wasn’t able to walk at all, and it hurt worse than having a broken bone. But he managed to get them home and immediately iced his ankle and elevated it. 


His three-year old son came into the room and asked his dad if he could sing to the ankle. His dad agreed and by the next day Dad was walking as though nothing had happened. That’s how natural sound healing can be!


On the other end of the spectrum, you’ve probably heard my story about the 70-year old woman who grew a new heart valve—yep, with sounds and visualization!


So, you see, all kinds of people heal with sound. And, no, you don’t have to be a singer!


I show you how to access the sound healer—already inside you—in my Sound Healing for Wellness audio course.

You might or might not get such dramatic results, but I know from experience, sound can be powerful for the body, spirit and psyche.

About once a year I’m inspired to put a life-changing course like this one on special. 


This is the same course I used to teach live to healing practitioners, and now hundreds of people around the world have taken it.


I hear back from participants using the audio course about the results they get, and their successes are just as significant as they were when I used to teach it live. How cool is that?


This month only, you can get my popular Sound Healing for Wellness Audio course for 50% off


Check it out below and join the ever-growing number of Sound Healers healing with their power of their voice. 


Holding you in my heart and songs,

PS If you'd rather be sung to, check out my catalog of Recorded Sound Healing Sessions. This is the only time of the year that I put all my recordings and Sound Healing course on sale. 😊

Sound Healing for Wellness Audio Course

Sound healing isn’t just a nice thing to do. It's a natural way to realign the sacred geometry of the cells and molecules of your body. 


Take a look at the photos of Cymatics—showing you the science of how sounds affect physical matter—when you visit Misa’s webpage about her Sound Healing for Wellness Course.


Remember it’s 50% off this December only, so check it out now!

Here are just a few stories from participants who have learned Sound Healing from Misa:

This week I busied myself right into a migraine headache. This was the first time I was able to turn it around. —Amari

Misa's teaching and sound healing have been an important part of my getting better from CFIDS. —Sunday

I sat back in my chair and experimented with the sound healing...After a good night's sleep my [back pain] was gone. —Genevieve

My lab results have been increasingly favorable each time I am tested...

One of the defining moments for me was having a spontaneous journey...that gave me insight into a physical condition... —Drewsilla

I am amazed and delighted at how well my clients are responding to the sound healing. I am so glad that I am now able to incorporate sounds into my sessions. —Deborah, LMT

Create Your Own Sound Medicine Chest of Recorded Sound Healing Sessions

Choose from nearly 3 dozen of Misa's recorded Sound Healing Sessions, and listen to sacred sounds that have been helping people in their healing for 30 years.

Immerse yourself in these healing sounds in the comfort of your own home on your own schedule. Listen as often as you wish—even as you go to sleep.

Remember all of them are 50% off this December only:

Happy people who got real results listening to Misa's recordings:

I listened to the (sound) healing every day and within 10 days there was no more pain from inflammation in my leg and it was less stiff…It is now 2 months and the inflammation has not returned. —Marilyn

This past Saturday was the first time in almost two years that I can remember NOT being in constant pain in my neck and shoulders. —Terri Rank

I am so grateful & thrilled to have the use of my wrist back without pain. The chiropractor mentioned to me it was an injury that he had never seen as bad on any client, e-v-e-r. After listening to Misa’s CD’s for approximately one week, though that was never an expectation, NOW - my wrist is pain free and almost as good as new. —Kelli Haralson

The cold and flu sound medicine Immune Builder have worked their "magic" for me more than once since I purchased them.  Once when I barely felt the start of a sore throat, I listened to your songs, and the sore throat disappeared almost instantly. — Carol O'Neal

Coronavirus Sound Healing Gift

If you are concerned about the Coronavirus, this recorded sound healing session will support you. If you have it already—awesome! If you don’t have it yet, you can download it here for free!


It’s Misa’s gift to you during this powerful time of healing!

We've given away over a thousand of these Coronavirus sessions... and you are welcome to share this with those you love!