Subject: Holidays, Families and You!

Hello Friend!

Please receive my deepest and most sincere wish that you and those you love deepen in your love for each other this holiday season.

In a world, where so much emphasis is placed on accomplishment, this is the perfect time of year to remember it is our relationships that make those accomplishments worthwhile.

The holidays provide such a beautiful reminder that our relationship with the Divine, those we love, and those in need deserve to experience our loving attentiveness.

In order to be fully present to others, we need to be fully present to ourselves first.

Growing up as the oldest of six kids, I learned at a young age to place the needs of others before my own.

As a result, even today, I have a tendency to put other people, or my responsibilities, before my own needs.

Most of us know how that plays out. I end up depleting myself and become unable to be there for anyone else.

It’s taken a fair amount of self-coaching to break that habit—to make sure I take care of myself and my own needs (except in cases of emergencies), before attending to others and the commitments I want to keep.

Naturally, by tending to myself first, I’m less likely to burn-out or get frustrated with anyone else.

Here’s something I learned that has made a huge difference for me:

Tend to yourself. Then tend to others. Then tend to yourself again.
Wrapping your acts of kindness in self-care is a wonderful way to keep yourself in a state of balance.

Consider creating a simple daily ritual to remind yourself about the importance of tending to you before tending to everyone and everything else, such as a:

- Few minutes of quiet or meditation
- Silent cup of tea with your journal
- Nurturing, uninterrupted bath
- Prayer or song that honors the Divine in you
- Light a candle to hold your intention for the day

Then you’ll be ready to be fully present to others.

If you are healing emotionally or physically, hear are some ideas for taking this concept a little further as you lovingly protect your healing space during this active, busy time with families:

Warm holiday blessings,

Readings for Awakening Your Spiritual Gifts
In Misa’s readings, she’ll describe your unique spiritual gifts and show you how to use your gifts for greater health, prosperity, purpose, romance, and awakening.

Choose from three types of readings:
- Healing
- Life Path
- Soul Journey

It’s been quite a while since Misa’s readings were on special, and this offering is at her lowest price ever so that you can get the guidance you need. (You can schedule now for a New Years reading and still get the discount.)

Misa's time fills up fast, so check out this product of the month and her special offer (Her best price of the year):

Recording of the Month
Come into this holiday season in a state of peace and tranquility with Misa’s Deep Peace Sound Healing recordings.

These awesome sounds will have your spirit both soaring and in a delicious state of peace.

Plus they heal and tone all of the chakras and major organs of your body.

Mary Magdalene's Secrets for Healing Others
It's here!

Mary offers her insights about the single reason behind illnesses and the greatest spiritual cure.

Wisdom from Mary Magdalene on Healing Others

This Week's Favorite Prescription from Heaven
Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right. 

To your fulfillment!
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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