Subject: Happy July! How to start your day for amazing outcomes

To those of you who are new, welcome. Every month we share free gifts and resources. Enjoy!

Happy July Friend!

Usually in our first of the month newsletter, I share a personal story or teaching I’ve received over the years. But today as I look out my window and the beautiful flowering plants begin gently caressed by the wind and the baby quail running through our yard, I just want to give you this Morning prayer I wrote some years ago. 


Consider printing it and taking it outside, with your bare feet on the ground and greet the day with all the love and gratitude you can muster.


Then watch the day unfold with its precious and beautiful subtle gifts and blessings!

Morning Prayer

I greet the day in all its splendor Mysterious One.
I give thanks for all the beings with whom I share life.
I sing to the sun a song of honor for its life giving warmth.
My feet pad against soft wet grass, the soles of my feet tickled, in turn tickling the soul of my being.
I listen to the gentle nudgings of the wind, the morning songs of the winged ones, the barking of the squirrels, and the seemingly silent caress of the fish gliding their bodies against the flowing stream.
Patiently, I listen to the sound of tranquility.
Grateful for the sumptuous, delightful sounds of the morning’s song, I open my heart.
Its rhythmic pulse carries me into an endless wave of loving awareness.
The wave overflows beyond the limits of my being, as the sounds of loved ones fill my ears, and my heart speaks on behalf of their well-being.
In this moment, I choose to exist in harmony with all that is.
I choose to listen to the many ways the Mysterious One speaks to me.
I choose to keep my attention on the beauty that is everywhere 
and my awareness ever open to the songs within all things.

I hope you enjoy experiencing the prayer. And now, please check out the special, free gifts I have for you.

Holding you in my heart and songs,

PS Note the new date for Full Moon Ceremony this month (below)


PSS If you are in a relationship, I invite you to check out this powerful quiz from my dear friend, Dr. Sarah Salzman. 

Enjoy these free gifts and resources from Misa!

Couples Communication Quiz

Did you know…


…Poor Communication is the #1 Reason Couples Split Up? 


Take this FREE 2-minute Couples Communication Quiz to know which of the 5 Communication Zones you’re currently in, and the perfect, tailored next steps to get closer to your partner.

You can even take the quiz, if you don't have a romantic partner, but want to see what zone you are in with someone else in your life!

Then use the free guide you’ll receive to learn how to have calm, safe, focused conversations with the people you care about. You deserve to know the health of your communication right now!

Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony for Awakening Women

New date for this month's ceremony! Mark your calendar for Wednesday, July 6 at 5:00 pm PDT. The topic is Making Wise Choices.

Please join us for this 1,000 year old ancient ceremony in the Divine Feminine, as women from around the world gather together to create virtual sacred space.

You can expect compassion, laughter, tears, and virtual hugs as like-hearted women create a safe and sacred space for better lives and a better world.

Get your invitations to monthly on-line gatherings here (along with a free download of The Holding Meditation that we do in the ceremony):

Holding Meditation Gift

With this ancient meditation in the Sacred Feminine, women have healed depression, overwhelm and anxiety, finally feeling truly wanted and accepted.

Tens of thousands of people in over 109 countries have downloaded this meditation and we hear regularly about relief from life-long emotional and physical pain.

This simple, yet profound and proven meditation gives you a new excitement for life!

Get immediate access to the mediation here:

Prescriptions from Heaven — Gift

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!