Subject: Happy April! 3 Tips for Starting Anew

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought

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Happy April Friend!

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought, “Well, at least it is a new day,” but inside you felt like there was nothing new about it?”


We’ve all been there and wished we felt better about the day ahead of us. Telling ourselves it’s a new day isn’t always enough to help us rise to the opportunity.


Here are three things I do each morning to make sure I get as much out of a new day as possible—to actually start anew. You are welcome to try it out for yourself. Or choose 1 of these and add it to your own morning rituals for a pick-me-up.

Hold leftover pain from previous days, years or lifetimes.

Little shifts add up to big shifts, so I know if I take at least 10-20 minutes every day Holding the pain of yesterday in compassion—it can gently start releasing, and I’m going to begin feeling better about life, and on track for a beautiful day.


Personally, I use the Holding Guided Meditation in Feminine Consciousness that I’ve given to tens of thousands of people around the world. 


I just haven’t found anything better than this centuries-old, tried-and-true way of compassionately releasing emotional and physical pain, creating plenty of space for my natural state of happiness and joy to express. (If you don’t have it, you can get it below.)

Sing to the day. 


I learned this from a Native man I greatly admired. Each day, Dawn Singer greeted the sun and the beginning of a new day with a song. Those of you who are sound healing lovers can imagine how much this ritual spoke to my heart. 


You can do the same thing by singing a song you love, or if you are in my Sound Healing course, consider letting something come through you that honors the spirit of the day. 


I sing to the beauty, truth, compassion and respect within life, the planet, my ancestors, you, and all humanity. It fills me with hope as I sing to these amazing qualities within every being, as I am welcome them into ever greater expression. 

Make considered choices for right action.


I find it empowering to ask myself, “What one thing will I do today that will make the greatest difference I can make right now?” 


You see, if I were to die at the end of the day, I want to literally be able to say, “This was a good day to die, because I did something beautiful and significant today.”


If that means staying true to a healing choice I’ve made, making amends, writing a newsletter, doing a kindness for someone, or speaking at a summit—whatever I feel makes a difference in my heart and the heart of someone else (including the heart of the planet and its animals)—I’m on it.


Choosing to make heart connections with myself, the Divine and others—and taking action that supported those connections—pulled me through my worst days into a life where daily I experience peace and joy.

In my experience, every day truly can be a new day, if with purpose and love, we:


1) heal our pain

2) honor the qualities of life we care about and 

3) take thoughtful action on what matters most to us


It’s a simple formula. And it works beautifully for starting your life anew!

Holding you in my heart and songs,

Enjoy these free gifts and resources

SHE Rising Strategy Session

Discover how SHE Rising Academy helps you release painful patterns from your past in supportive, gentle healing.

As pain of the past finally releases, you can access your unique gifts and your individual pathway to your awakening.

Talk with Misa in a free SHE Rising Strategy Session and together, create a roadmap for your unique and sacred journey of healing and awakening.

It all begins with an application that gives Misa some insight into your sacred journey:

Meditation Gift

With this ancient meditation in the Sacred Feminine, women have healed depression, overwhelm and anxiety, finally feeling truly wanted and accepted.

Tens of thousands of people in over 109 countries have downloaded this meditation and we hear regularly about relief from life-long emotional and physical pain.

This simple, yet profound and proven meditation gives you a new excitement for life!

Get immediate access to the mediation here:

Prescriptions from Heaven Gift

Get your own daily Prescriptions from Heaven!

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital e-card with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right.

Sign up here and start getting yours tomorrow.

To your fulfillment!