Subject: Get your dream relationship...

It just might be easier than you think

Hi Friend,

I remember when I was trying to find my partner. The first time Jeffrey and I spent a day together, it was like we had known each other for lifetimes. I didn’t want the day to end and neither did he. It’s been like that ever since. 😊


The big surprise is that it was so much easier than I thought it would be.


That’s why I was excited when Barbara Santen told me she was hosting an online event on how to go from single to being in your dream relationship.


You discover how to change old beliefs and patterns that have kept you stuck in painful relationships, and how to step into your authenticity to finally be a love magnet for a person truly meant for you.


And you get these powerful insights from experts like Dr. John Gray (love his seminal book, Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus). And Margaret Paul— (I interviewed Margaret Paul and love how she sees love, life and relationship.).


Of course, I’ll be there too, talking about how you become the sacred space within that attracts a truly sacred partner! ❤️


It all starts as soon as you register. So if you are ready to attract your beloved partner, grab your free seat to You Deserve More:

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Holding you in my heart and songs,