Subject: Get a personalized plan for emotional freedom

Hi Friend

I hope you have been inspired by last week's sessions on "Transcend Emotional Trauma" and "How to Become a Woman of Your Choosing". I so love facilitating this work with you!

While I pack these free sessions with as much as I can that will make a difference, it doesn't stop there. It takes dedication and accountability for women to turn around a lifetime of trauma—and/or help those we serve do the same.

That's why I've created my SHE Rising programs where we dive deep into the 1000+ year-old feminine wisdom that is changing lives for today's women.

These are complete interactive experiences where you work directly with me and my team in a combination of private one-on-one sessions, group mentoring and healing to supplement the core materials.

Combined with accountability, these programs immerse you in the sacred feminine principles that are a path of healing and freedom.

I can only fully serve a small number of women who are committed to embracing their destinies and helping others do the same.

That's why these programs inside my SHE Academy are by application only... and where we create a personalized plan for emotional freedom for yourself and/or your clients.

My next SHE Rising program is starting now. If you haven't applied yet, you still have time to apply if you do so ASAP! Apply here

Holding you in my heart and songs,

I found myself having totally different, more positive feelings towards my parents and other family members. I think perhaps i’ve been expecting something they could never give me despite how much they tried, and I could never appreciate their efforts because they didn’t know how to meet my exact emotional needs. This time, I actually felt all the love and care they’ve given me throughout my whole life. I was able to be less judgmental and help them. When I got home and I listened to the final recording and felt even deeper waves of healing and release. On top of that my relationship with my partner dramatically changed for better, as well as with my son. —K

"I had no idea I was going to discover the cause of one of the biggest health challenges I have. Misa encourages you to look at your healing as a spiritual opportunity, so as a result my own intuitive wisdom kicked in, providing me with immense guidance about what I need to do to nurture and ensure my health. I was amazed at how much my beliefs and my physical health were interlocked. With these new tools to help me, I am living a much healthier and happier life." —Amari Gold

Spiritual Counseling from Misa consistently provides me with revelations
about myself. She has an ability to see who I am at a deeper level than most people ever look, especially when it comes to my spiritual gifts and  talents. As a result I am encouraged to live into my full potential and use my gifts in the work I am here to do. —SR, Counselor, Pinedale, WY