Subject: For Overall Immunity and Health, Tune Up Your Vagus Nerve

Key to Immune Strength, Healing Chronic Conditions & Depression

Hi Friend,

To properly address health issues, you’ve got to optimize vagus nerve function. Why?


The vagus nerve regulates multiple organs. For example, it affects digestion, heart rate, and respiratory rate, as well as immune response, moods, and anxiety. 


Vagal tone has been linked to chronic inflammation, neurodegeneration, autoimmunity, and cancer. And it is necessary for healing leaky gut, microbiome function, and brain issues.


Increasing vagal tone is also is being done to help individuals with depression and post- traumatic stress.


So you see, your vagus nerve is a major player in achieving and maintaining health. 


My friend, Dr. Eva Detko became a health advocate through her own healing journey from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. When conventional approaches didn’t work, she tackled the job of getting to the root cause, which was a viral infection. 


In her process of healing, she realized the reason her body had not been able to cope with the infection was because her nervous system had been overstimulated for many years. Once she addressed her nervous system dysfunction, she was able to get her life back.


Since then, she has helped hundreds of patients overcome complex health issues by restoring their autonomic nervous system balance—critical for healing from any chronic condition.


Now you can benefit from her knowledge and experience as well. This month, she is hosting her popular Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit!

I’ll be there sharing my discoveries with sound healing and offering sound healing for the vagus nerve.

I hope you will join us and start improving your vagal tone right now! You can register here:

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As you can see, she has gathered together a number of physicians, mental health professionals, and health experts to teach you how to improve immunity and wellness through your vagus nerve!

I'll see you there.

Holding you in my heart and songs,