Subject: Feeling appreciated – an important emotional need of the soul

Hi Friend,

Today is our last day in exploring how to create your own personal retreat.

As you create sacred time for yourself to go into the depths of who you are, and what your soul wants for you, you could give yourself the opportunity to experience the profound gift of self appreciation.

Feeling appreciated is the fourth emotional need of the soul, as we know it in the Path of the Sacred Feminine.
Whether you are a woman or man, feeling appreciated is a fundamental desire that seeks to be fulfilled in one’s lifetime, preferably between the ages of 3-7.

But if that didn’t happen then, know that there is hope. It can be fulfilled right now.

When your parents are healed and whole, and able to completely appreciate you as a child, this is what you experience. You would:
  • Feel encouraged
  • Know you matter
  • Understand that what you are and what you do make a difference
  • Appreciate your attempts as well as your accomplishments
  • Find value in your unique gifts and insights
  • Feel motivated to participate in life
When your parents are too wounded to provide this, or karmic circumstances set up a predisposition to not feel fully appreciated as a child, you might find yourself:
  • Experiencing low self-esteem
  • Feeling used, bullied, or taken for granted
  • Ridiculing or discouraging your own attempts to accomplish
  • Not feeling as though you matter or make a difference
  • Undervaluing your own unique gifts and insights
  • Unmotivated to fully participate in life
But remember, you do not have to live your life with this fundamental need unfulfilled. You can fulfill it in Divine love!

If you believe your life would be better if you could appreciate yourself fully, let’s look at how you could nurture a deeper sense of self appreciation in a personal retreat.

Consider incorporating a ceremony into your personally created sacred time.

I just wrote these suggestions to one of my readers who wondered how to work with the energy of ley lines.

You could easily adapt these steps to create your own Sacred Appreciation Ceremony during your personal retreat:

  1. Light some sage and cleanse the room or space with it, letting the smoke bless the air.
  2. Cleanse and bless yourself with the smoke from the burning sage.
  3. Light a candle, set flowers on a table, burn incense - whatever takes you into a sacred mode.
  4. Invite the Divine as you know it, into your heart and space.
  5. State your intention clearly, such as, “I honor and appreciate who I am, my unique gifts, and my special relationship with creation.”
  6. Open your heart with a memory. Reflect on a happy moment in your life that gets you to laugh and be in appreciation of your uniqueness.
  7. Challenge yourself a little bit to appreciate yourself the way the Divine appreciates you.
  8. You might want to sing, read something inspirational, meditate, do the Holding meditation in a state of self appreciation, or dance out what you appreciate about you.
  9. Mostly, let love fill you and the space.
  10. Keep it simple. It doesn’t have to be a long ceremony - just lovingly focused.
  11. When you feel complete, say "thank you" to the Divine within and around you, and then go about your day.
As you feel truly appreciated in Divine love, you’ll start experiencing previously unknown and wonderful ways in which the Universe appreciates you.

You can use the free resources below to help you out, including links to The Holding meditation (so you can Hold yourself in appreciation), the Prayer of the Week, and all of the 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul.

And doing the Inner Child program meditations is a fabulous way to fulfill the emotional needs of the soul that were not met during your childhood or as a result of karma.

What makes any personal retreat powerful is the heart and authenticity you bring to it.

It’s your willingness to be lovingly truthful with yourself that opens up the space for Divine experience.

It is your willingness to challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone that takes you into the extraordinary.

May you enjoy greater Divine love, self-appreciation, and extraordinary experiences in your life!

Holding you in my heart and songs,
Private or Semi-Private Retreat with Misa

If you could step out of the ordinary for several days and awaken the power of the universe within, how would your life be different?

Over the years, Misa has facilitated retreats for hundreds of people, as they open to hidden aspects of themselves, like Teresa:

...going into my cave to discover hidden emotions and struggles so that I could release these and be free to love myself and others. I feel empowered to bring forth the wisdom and truth in every aspect of my life and to hold dear what I do not understand so that it is appreciated, valued and loved. I definitely recommend this retreat. —Teresa

Gather your closest friends for a shared journey or set up a time just for yourself.

Discover how a private or semi-private retreat with Misa could awaken your potential.

Free Special Resources

Download the free Holding guided meditation in Sacred Feminine love.

Discover the 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul and how meeting them through The Holding meditation can fulfill your life.

Program of the Month
 - Special ends this weekend

The meditations in this program can help you fulfill your unmet emotional needs as you walk through each developmental period of your childhood and early adulthood.

By healing and recreating your childhood, you enter into a whole new relationship of complete trust in the Divine.

Free up the child spirit within you, who remembers your destiny and confidently leads you there with Misa’s Healing the Inner Child: Awakening Your Destiny audio program.

It is 50% off through this weekend:

Recording of the Month - Special ends this weekend
If you are experiencing back and neck pain, you might need a special dose of support, and you can get that in Misa’s special recorded Sound Healing Session for Neck and Back.

As April's Sound Healing of the month, it is still 50% off through the weekend:

Prayer of the Week

Discover a deeper insight into the value of YOU with this guided meditation from Misa.

This is beautiful to share with friends who are feeling over-worked and under-valued, and need to know they are appreciated.

This Week's Favorite Prescription from Heaven

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, you'll receive a digital postcard from Heaven with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right. 

To your fulfillment!
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