Subject: Ending now. Ready for Lasting Change?

Happy Weekend Friend,

At various points in our lives, we decide we’ve struggled with something long enough. We are ready to get right down to it and make some changes—at the root.

You do what makes sense. You engage your mind and try to analyze your way into a whole new life. But it doesn’t work very well, does it?

This approach is ingrained in our conditioning— if you want to make a transformation, you have to figure out what to do and change your behavior.

But no matter how hard you try, the old patterns keep creeping in. It is so frustrating.

There is a reason this logical approach doesn’t work. Most of us didn’t develop our patterns of behavior logically. We formed them when we were young, emotional and very impressionable.

We picked up concepts, beliefs, behaviors and emotional imprints from our parents, teachers and caretakers. We reacted to events with all the intensity of a child. We formed beliefs and patterns based upon our experiences when we were young.

So, using only logic won’t get us where we need to go.

Dr. Bruce Lipton tells us much of what we believe is formed before the age of 7. I would add that much of how you learned to be as an emotional being was also formed before that age.

One of my elders taught me you are very close to Divine consciousness up until about the age of 6. Dr. Lipton tells us we spend most of our childhood in a theta brain wave state (a dream-like or meditative state) up until that same age. 

Our little brains were wired for learning and imagining. That also means we were experiencing imprints at one of the most impressionable times of our development—and they tend to stay in place until you know how to change them.

Throughout your life, you are still receiving imprints, particularly in moments of trauma, and at major spiritual developmental stages.

The imprints are deep. That’s why they are so challenging to change. But those imprints—beliefs, patterns of behavior and emotional responses—can be changed.

You need to know how to do it. Once you have the tools, you can continue to recreate your life to be a life to truly become a woman of your choosing. 

Many methods we try don’t work for us because in order to make the change, you need to be in the same theta brain wave state in which the imprints were created.

If you want change to be lasting, you have to get to the emotional root. And here is the good news. You can do that without reliving all the pain of early traumas.

So how do you do it? You’ve got to get into that theta brain wave state again. Plus, to be truly thorough, you rewire your brain around key spiritual developmental periods throughout your life.

When the pain points are released, you are free to be your essential self again—the state of your soul before you were born.

That’s why I was so excited when my ancestors gave me the 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul.

For over 1,000 years, women defined and tested these spiritual developmental stages. They discovered how to meet the needs at each stage, so that women could be free to create the lives they really want.

The other key to truly integrating and internalizing this transformative work is that our ancestors knew they couldn’t do it alone. Not only did they have the guidance of their Medicine Women, they had the mutual support of the other women in their community who were on the same journey.

This ancient approach was nearly lost, but thankfully, resurfaced during a 3-day meditation retreat I was doing with another Elder.

I took what my ancestors brought to me and put it into a program that I know from experience works well for women of today.

In the interactive course, you meet your soul's emotional needs by:
  • Recreating your emotional experiences and beliefs through deep guided meditations (theta brain wave state) that take you into key, formative moments.
  • Understanding each of the soul’s developmental needs, so you can nourish them through your choices.
  • Receiving co-support from a circle of like-hearted sisters who also want to be respected in their journey.
  • Moving through stuckness with direct counseling from me in weekly group mentoring calls.
  • Supercharging your ability to receive trustworthy intuitive guidance during an on-line 2-day retreat.

This is the last weekend to register, so check out The 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul—Interactive program that is starting in just a few days.

You deserve to have the life you want, and I’m honored to show you how to make lasting change…

… so you can experience the aliveness and flow that manifests your visions.

Holding you in all that you are and choose to be,

PS Experiences women have had:

Hello lovely tribe! Infinite gratitude to you, Misa. This program has been such a powerful experience for me, I simply do not have the words. I have shifted and healed so much, and my Spirit feels lighter. Much love to all of you …truly, I feel like a completely different person. Thank you so much for this course. It has changed my life and I am so full of gratitude. —T

I am most grateful to Misa and the Grandmothers for bringing to us this most profound of gifts! All the recordings and meditations in the program, with Misa’s beautiful voice and delivered with so much loving-kindness, transmit deep, deep wisdom about our human journey. I have found in every each one of them a compass for my return home … —Celine

I found myself having totally different, more positive feelings towards my parents and other family members. I think perhaps I’ve been expecting something they could never give me...because they didn’t know how to meet my exact emotional needs. This time, I actually felt all the love and care they’ve given me throughout my whole life. I was able to be less judgmental and help them...On top of that my relationship with my partner dramatically changed for better, as well as with my son. —K

Want to talk in person with Misa about participating in SHE: 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul?

If you want to better understand if Misa’s new interactive course is right for you, apply for a free 30-minute consultation with her while there’s still time.

Tell her about the changes you want to make for your healing, awakening, relationships and purpose breakthroughs!

If you have already taken the original audio course, but would like to expand your experience with the group mentoring calls and the retreat, check your email for the special coupon code we sent you in a separate email. :)

Claiming Your Power—The Sacred Feminine Way

Enjoy this article from Misa about true power for women and sensitive men:

Prescriptions from Heaven—Free Gift

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day out right. 

To your fulfillment!
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