Subject: Don’t let this hold you back in 2024…

plus a free event for awakening your freedom

If you are new to our community, it's our delight on the first of each month to offer you special gifts and resources to support you in your journey of healing and awakening.

Happy January Friend!

We’ve all done it. You are headed toward some success in your life, and then it all stops.


What happens?


Why don’t things continue going in the direction you want to go?

Unfortunately, at this point many of us start looking for someone to blame—ourselves, other people, the planets, God, the Universe. 


And that’s where things can stay stuck unless we reflect on what was happening when the energy took a turn.


If you take a close look at your thoughts and feelings at the point the energy changed, you are likely to find this culprit:


Doubt started to creep in.


So, your thoughts—and therefore your actions—moved in a direction where success doesn’t exist. 


The real work in creating a life of your choosing is in swiftly moving through doubt, so you can stay clearly focused and enthusiastic about your intention.

And if you are an empathic and sensitive woman there are more effective ways to do this that don’t involve pushing through (which tends to make us overwhelmed, anxious, and ill).  


But in an overly masculine world, most women don’t know the approaches that are actually more natural for us.

This is why I love sharing ancient feminine practices for healing and awakening. Moving through doubts and fears—and into your power and freedom where your successes flow—can be incredibly gentle and kind.


You can get to a place where you’re experiencing the successes you want, faster than you might imagine.


To get you started in creating a truly successful 2024, join me for my free event (back by popular demand ;)…


… A Woman’s Path to Awakening: Unleash Your Power and Freedom. Discover the ways this ancient and proven pathway gets to the clear and confident choices where you are truly creating the life of your choosing.


Holding you in my heart and songs,

Enjoy These Gifts and Resources for Creating a Rewarding 2024!

Free Event

In case you missed it the last time, join Misa on January 9, 10, 11 for this live Masterclass series, where you’ll discover the Sacred Keys to your Power and Freedom as a woman.


Discover what it takes to:

—Let go of the cycle of overwhelm and anxiety, freeing you to fulfill your destiny, and be of your greatest service in the world

—Create a safe inner sanctuary, so you can let go of people pleasing and attract lasting, happy relationships

—Design your sacred blueprint for releasing family patterns, so you can make more fulfilling decisions for you


Recordings of live trainings are available to registrants.


This event is free, but seats are limited, so grab your spot now:

Holding Meditation

With this ancient meditation in the Sacred Feminine, women have healed depression, overwhelm and anxiety, finally feeling truly wanted and accepted.

Tens of thousands of people in over 109 countries have downloaded this meditation and we hear regularly about relief from life-long emotional and physical pain.

This simple, yet profound and proven meditation gives you a new excitement for life!

Get immediate access to the mediation here:

Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony for Awakening Women

Join us for this 1,000 year old ancient ceremony in the Divine Feminine, as women from around the world gather together to create virtual sacred space.

You can expect compassion, laughter, tears, and virtual hugs as like-hearted women create a safe and sacred space for better lives and a better world.

Get your invitation to this month's on-line gathering here (along with a free download of The Holding Meditation that we do in the ceremony):

Prescription of the Week

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