Subject: Do you ever say this to yourself?

Hi Friend,

Do you ever have a conversation with yourself that goes something like this?

Surely, with all the healing I’m doing right now, my family obligations, and all my responsibilities, the Divine can’t be expecting me to fulfill my sacred purpose too?

After all, loving each other is our sacred purpose, and I’m already doing that!

I used to say this to myself too!

But deep down inside I knew I was avoiding an uncomfortable truth.

Like all of us, I certainly was here to love, but I was also here to serve through love in a very specific way.

Until I knew my sacred purpose, I was looking around every corner, wondering if by chance I was fulfilling my contract with the Divine.

It was that important to me because I knew it was what I came here to experience.

From the time we are little, we know we are here for a reason that is unique and special to who we are and how we were created.

And we also sense it is linked to our greatest prosperity. Wayne Dyer would agree with that inner knowing:

When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived in my life, then I was prosperous.

For a while, I thought I’d get to my purpose after I healed. The big surprise to me was that even my healing was serving to push me closer to my purpose.

Fulfilling your purpose gives you vibrant energy for healing, getting out of pain, caring for your family and meeting your obligations.

Plus it’s a great way to meet your beloved, live prosperously, take trips, have more fun… and fulfill dreams you haven’t even imagined yet. :)

During the next few days I’m available to talk with you about uncovering your sacred purpose.

I’ve been taking people on vision quests and journeys (live and virtually) for over 20 years, helping people open to the peak spiritual experiences that truly define their purpose.

You don’t have to hope you are getting it, look for it around every corner, or wait until life is calm and you are healed.

All those thoughts are signs that you are actually ready to know—now!

There are ancient practices that can help you access your sacred purpose immediately. These advanced techniques have been used successfully for centuries.

They are practices that were passed down to me to share with dedicated and committed individuals, like you, who want to live on purpose.

If you are ready to be living your purpose, furthering your healing, and opening your gates to prosperity right now, click the link below and let’s get you in for a free consultation.

You’ll be having a whole new conversation with yourself about how good it feels to be living fulfilled, healthy and prosperous!

Holding you in the fulfillment of your sacred purpose,

Free Consultation with Misa

Misa is extending free consultation scheduling through this Tuesday, April 16 to explore the best approach for support in you in discovering your sacred purpose.

She’ll help you decide whether a Personal Retreat, Quest or Private Counseling Sessions will serve you best as you uncover the source of your fulfillment.

… in the loving environment held by Misa, I saw myself in ways that I had not previously recognized. I feel energized, changed and ready to bring my true self into the world. —Janet Akers

I'm at a loss for words, so I will simply convey my deepest most profound gratitude...for a life changing, if not the most life-changing event of my life. I have been transformed... —Kathleen McGarry

Misa creates a safe and sacred space for all to feel free to be open and vulnerable to what we ache to acknowledge and express. —Autumn Dove

While you are considering your options, take a look at Santa Fe, New Mexico, near where Misa and Jeffrey live. It’s a fabulous bucket-list location for a spring retreat!

Apply here. It only takes a few minutes:

3 Mistakes Spiritual Women Make, Keeping You from Your Life Purpose

In this article, Misa explains the common mistakes we make that keep us further away from our sacred purposes…

… and one of the approaches she uses to uncover your purpose:

Prescription of the Week

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right.
To your fulfillment!
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