Subject: Cosmic Influx of Feminine Energy

Is your life being affected?

The first of every month, we make some of Misa most popular gifts and articles available to you. Be sure to check out the Resources section!

August Blessings Friend!

This weekend I'm facilitating the Unshakable Self Love Retreat, so I'm going to keep this newsletter brief.

But I absolutely want you to know there has been a dramatic shift of Feminine energy this past month.

You might be feeling the affects of that shift, so I created a special YouTube video telling you about my experience with it.

If you are doing the Holding meditation, you might find it helpful to lean on this practice with greater frequency—to help you remain stable during this time of immense change.

Here's the video!

Holding you in my heart and songs

Every month, we offer you resources from Misa's website at and/or her non-profit, They come to you with love and blessings!

SHE Rising Strategy Sessions

Misa's popular SHE Rising program begins on August 12. If you are ready to put an end to self-sabotaging family patterns, fulfill your purpose and claim new levels of ongoing happiness...

... sign up for a private SHE Rising Strategy Session with Misa, and find out how women are discovering an unshakable love that transcends pain and awakens joy!

"I have been thinking for awhile to send you this email, to let you know how grateful I am for the course. Although not too much is going on that is visible outside, on the inside ‘I’ve been moving mountains’ The first few weeks had a profound healing effect on my childhood traumas. I feel like something deep has shifted.

I went on a pre-arranged visit to my family. I found myself having totally different, more positive feelings towards my parents and other family members. I think perhaps I’ve been expecting something they could never give me despite how much they tried, and I could never appreciate their efforts because they didn’t know how to meet my exact emotional needs. This time, I actually felt all the love and care they’ve given me throughout my whole life.” — K. 

Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony for Awakening Women

Join us for this 1,000 year old ancient ceremony in the Divine Feminine, as women from around the world gather together to create virtual sacred space.

You can expect compassion, laughter, tears, and virtual hugs as like-hearted women create a safe and sacred space for better lives and a better world.

If you’re not already receiving monthly invitations to these powerful online gatherings, sign up here. You’ll also receive a free audio download of The Holding Meditation upon which these ceremonies are based:

Prescriptions from Heaven — Gift

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!