Subject: Corrected Link for Sound Healing Gift & Readings Sale Ends

Happy Weekend Friend,

“The more of me I be, the clearer I can see.” —Rachel Andews

We treasure you! Every day, Jeffrey and I give thanks to be able to serve such amazing people—like YOU!

Our lives are rich and full of meaning because we get to support you in your special journey of healing and awakening.

We believe the world gets better every time any one of us makes a commitment to experience ever-greater love.

To put it simply—

We believe in you. ☺

We also know that things can get a little foggy at times. It can be difficult to see yourself, know what you need to do next, and recognize your best path.

So when we thought about what we’d like to give you this year to support you in your powerful journey of discovery and service—clarity came to mind.

The word alone gave me chills. I knew I needed to get busy and create Sound Healing for Clarity. And so I did.

I've giving you my full new 18-minute Sound Healing Session for Clarity to you as a New Years gift. You can download it free using this coupon in my web shop:


This sound healing will stimulate your third eye, so use it carefully. (We don’t want you getting third-eye headaches from overuse. ;) And please don’t listen and drive.

Then watch your dreams, meditations, and those wild and wonderful thoughts that pop into your head—for insights that lead you further on your path of love.

Our prayer for you is that you receive the clarity you need to see:

1. How truly awesome you are
2. What is next for you to know, be, or do and
3. Choices that lead you to greater health, prosperity, freedom and happiness.

We wish you clarity and joy in 2019,

Misa and Jeff

Readings with Misa — Extended Special Ends This Sunday at Midnight

If you want some extra help with specific clarity about your spiritual gifts and how to use them in fulfilling your Healing, Life Path, or Soul Journey…

This is the last chance to get a Reading with Misa at the extended special discount.

She’s known for getting right to what makes you special, and the metaphysical blocks that might be holding you back. Plus, she lovingly guides you with steps to take, using your unique spiritual gifts to move toward your desires.

The wisdom you gave me was uncanny, unexpected, different from many other readings I had had. It helped me to follow my dreams and believe in myself. —Lucero Ackerman

Get your Life Path Reading, Healing Reading or Soul Journey Reading with Misa and give yourself the insights you need to make 2019 your best year ever. This lowest-price-of-the-year offer ends Sunday, January 6 at midnight MST.

Holding You

Misa is with another elder in visioning ceremony all weekend, Holding people throughout the world in their needs and in desires.

You can be included in this Holding Ceremony by simply:
  • Lovingly washing a bowl of your choice
  • Putting water in the bowl and placing it in a special place in your home
  • Stating your desire for yourself
  • Placing pictures of your loved ones near the bowl
  • Holding your desires throughout the weekend in gratitude, as though they have already manifested
  • Gently Holding any fears that come up so they can release and you can maintain gratitude 
Then notice in the next week what comes through in your dreams, meditations and thoughts.

Prescriptions from Heaven—Free

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right.

Holding you in fulfillment!
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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