Subject: Coronavirus—Empowering Yourself Through Energy—Special Letter

Dear Friend,

Viruses like the Coronovirus can instill fear, but they also open our minds and hearts to our true potential—our evolution as a species. If you work with energy healing, here is something I discovered years ago that might be helpful to you right now.

Energetically, fighting a virus rarely works well. The more you fight to get rid of it, the more it fights to live.

However, if because of its presence in the world, you are embodying greater love, you might find that you see better results by:

1) setting a boundary of non-entry (only that which supports your health may enter), and/or
2) thanking the virus and ushering it out because its service is complete and fulfilled (you have embodied greater self-love).

Viruses thrive in fearful environments because our immune systems weaken when we let ourselves remain in fear.

So this spring, we are reminded by nature itself to sing, smile, comfort, laugh, dance, and love—to affirm life and health through our energy and our choices.

See below for some ways to be sung to and sing your way through to health!  And some good practical advice too.

Holding you in my heart and songs in health and happiness,

Pandemic Preparation and Positive Steps To Take
If you would like to a read a conscious article about what you can do to help yourself and others, I recommend this article by Stephan Dinan from the Shift Network. (Thank you Ariann for forwarding this to me.)

Support Your Wellness with Sound Healing 
Free Gift Extended for you, friends and family!

If you don’t have Misa's recorded Coronavirus Sound Healing session yet, she is still giving it away for free.

If you do have it, she recommends listening at least once per day and up to three times per day. You can even listen as you are falling asleep. Misa has a playlist of selected Sound Healing Sessions she listens to every night to support the various things she is working on.

(However, please do not listen while driving!)

Plus, below there are a couple of other Sound Healing sessions she recommends to accompany Coronavirus.

Please share this with friends and loved ones! We want everyone who appreciates energy healing to be protected.

Just use coupon code PROTECT2020 at checkout to get it for free

Thanks to your reviews, we are beginning to see that the sound medicine is doing its job for you. Please write a review after you've experienced it.

Here's what one user experienced:

This sound healing session has been amazing for me in so many ways. For one, it has eased my concerns around this virus. It has also helped to clear other viruses in my body, I can breathe deeper and fuller after sitting with this a few times now. I feel more joy, more lightness of being. And I also feel held in such deep love. It also brought me in touch with my own sound medicine, that I had been getting out of touch with a bit since a while. Now I sing and tune and work with the sounds, in a way that makes life a lot more fun. I am so grateful to have received this beautiful healing, and my intention sitting with this has been—to through my strengthened energy field, allow others to upgrade into this higher vibration too! It is a very deep, beautiful healing session that works on so many levels. Thank you so much dear Misa! —Jenny

Two other Sound Healing Recordings Misa uses or recommendswith the Coronavirus Sound Healing (at 50% off)

You can get Immune Builder separately, or as part of her Cold, Flu and Allergies collection. Misa listens to Immune Builder every night to build her immune system and keep it functioning properly!

Anytime you start to feel anxious or doubtful, this is the sound healing to use. You heal more easily when you remain in a state of relaxed trust in your intentions.

Keep in mind these sounds aren't meant to be pretty. This is real sound medicine. It gets down into where the fear lives and dislodges it, and then calls you into harmony.

Since these or other Sound Healing sessions could support you in preventing or healing Coronavirus exposure...

...Misa is putting ALL her recorded Sound Healing sessions on sale for 50% off.

Misa wants you to be strong and healthy at this time! And she's sure that’s what you want too!

Go there now and choose the Sound Healing that will best support you in staying strong.

And Coronavirus is still available absolutely free using this coupon code at checkout: PROTECT2020

To your enduring health, happiness and fulfillment!
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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