Subject: Can you change your karma? June 2016 newsletter

Happy June, Friend!

Every now and then, I hear this question from my counseling clients, “Is it possible to change karma or am I just stuck with it?”

Or people will ask, “If this is God’s will am I stuck with it?”

These are important questions because many of us believe that once you agree to play something out in this lifetime, or God gives you challenges, you are stuck.

Trying to change anything interferes with God’s lesson for you or you don't fulfill the karmic payment.

If you believe that the challenges in your life are God’s will for you, then you might want to consider if it is also possible that God’s will for you includes overcoming those challenges to experience greater Divine peace and love?

If you believe in karma, is it possible that part of transcending the karmic wheel lies in learning how to burn off karma in your lifetime?
You absolutely have the power to create a fresh, new playing field for yourself, whether you believe in karma or that the challenges of this life are God’s will.

In fact, I submit to you, transforming challenges into opportunities is part of the full and complete lesson that our temporary limits provide.
That said, you can’t just leap over these challenges.

Why? Because the real work is in loving the parts of you (and eventually others’) that make you feel bad, embarrassed or ashamed.

After all, those are the parts most needing to be loved, right? Your pain or discomfort is a cry for love.

The journey of releasing karma begins with loving yourself—your beingness, your accomplishments, and your regrets.

Ask yourself, “What difficult, repeating pattern in my life am I ready to release?
That is the place in your life where you are ready to be freed from karma; ready to turn God’s challenge into a blessing for you and others.

Now that you know what you want to be freed from, here's an article about how to turn the challenge into the kind of love that actually does set you free. 

What If Being Sick Is God’s Will or Part of my Karma?
(Even if you are not suffering from an illness, you’ll get tips for transforming limits into freedom.)

Holding you in love and freedom this June,

Turn challenges into freedom with these gifts and opportunities!

Daily Holding—Gift for You
Be Held in Sacred Feminine energy by Misa daily, as she opens in compassion and empathy, with trust in your Divine potential, so that you can more easily fulfill your greatest desires.

Women, Water and Spirit Retreat with Misa
"Women have their own powerful way of awakening and creating."   —Misa

Watch the video interview with Misa about how you can use the energy cycles of creation to heal and manifest:

Women of Power and Spirit - Free Recordings
Misa periodically interviews women who have had deep and powerful experiences of transformation. 

Be inspired by Kimberley Burnham's story about being a photographer who was challenged by a potentially blinding condition. 

Or Chris Davis' story about losing pounds of excess weight after a profound moment of release and realization:

MP3/CD Special of the Month
Trusting your intuitive wisdom and empathy to protect you is the emotional energy that supports the metaphysical process of weight loss.

This sound medicine helps you love your past, present and future self, to support your journey of shedding weight.

Healing the Inner Child; Discovering Your Destiny —Program of the Month

It is the child spirit that leads the way to your true purpose, but if the child spirit was wounded in this life, they will have a difficult time showing you how to access your destiny.

This program is specially designed for gently healing the wounds and traumas of childhood.

As the program of the month, it is $100 off.

To your fulfillment!
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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