Subject: Assumptions that can limit your healing…

Hello Friend,

Great breakthroughs in healing often occur for me when I get to the assumptions I have made about how life works…the assumptions constricting my progress.

As some of you know, many years ago when I was diagnosed as producing as much testosterone as a teenager, I was a bit surprised to discover it was predicated on a belief and assumption I had made as a child.

When I was sexually abused as a little girl, I assumed it was better to be a male than female.

I lived with that assumption and played it out in multiple ways in my life, until I uncovered this rather natural assumption I made when I was much younger.

Assumptions are often attempts to understand, but they are usually misguided.
Such was the case with my assumption that being female was not safe.

Questioning your assumptions is one of the powerful ways you can make breakthroughs and speed up your healing.

The sooner you uncover and let go of assumptions that don’t work for you, the sooner you can adopt beliefs and practices that do work.
Good science and research help us check out assumptions.

So can intuition.

And another way you can check you assumptions is to ask questions that help you understand the associations you have made, and the motivation (emotional benefit) behind them.

Checking assumptions is so powerful for making breakthroughs that a section of Module 5, The Truth Does Set You Free in my Breakthrough Healing System, is dedicated to unveiling limiting assumptions.

This week (only), you can discover some of the assumptions that could be limiting your healing by watching a free excerpt from the Breakthrough Healing System.

It will only be up this week, so check out this short minute video while it’s on your mind.

As you experienced last week, this is strictly a teaching video—an inside peak at the Breakthrough Healing System.

Then be sure to check out the entire system, because it is on special only through Monday, October 31.

Go there now, because this is the last reminder! ☺
Holding you as we make healing breakthroughs,

Continue making breakthroughs with these gifts and opportunities

Last Chance - Program Special of the Month 

Check out Misa’s new short video (6 mins.) about her Breakthrough Healing System.

Watch how Misa healed her MS, cancer and more... and how her system is helping people heal chronic conditions by accessing their Intuitive Wisdom for their own unique solutions.

You can also watch the newest video excerpt where you learn about the assumptions that can limit healing.

Special is ending, so check it out now. :)
Last Chance - Download/CD Special of the Month
Call your cells into a perfect, balanced, stabilized state for healing with Misa's Sound Healing Recording for MS.

Levels 1,2,3 and the Package of all Three recordings are on special. Misa used these heal her MS.

On special only few more days!

Private and Semi-Private Retreats with Misa

A winter retreat with Misa at her lakeside home in Virginia could be the perfect way to reset your energy for the coming year. Discover more about what a retreat can do for you!

Beating the Odds — Gift for You

Identify 10 limiting beliefs that could be short-circuiting your healing with the free booklet.

Misa refers to this booklet in the free video above about assumptions that can limit your healing.

To your fulfillment!
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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