Subject: Are you where you belong?


Life’s circumstances can take you to many places that become your home. We move there for the sake of a job, to be with a loved one, to be near family, or because we love something about an area.

But is it where you belong?

Sometimes you end up becoming a flower trying to grow in the wrong climate.

This happened to me. My husband and I moved to rural Virginia to experiencing living by a lake, and get closer to his family.

We LOVE this land and getting to spend more time with Jeffrey’s family. We’ve made friends with some of the most beautiful people you could ever hope to meet.

And I feel like I’ve been planted in the wrong soil. I have ended up working very hard applying everything I’ve learned over the years to maintain my health here.

When I talked to my functional doctor about the conditions I was experiencing, he looked at me with a smile and said, “Move to Santa Fe.”

We both laughed as I realized he was right. My own intuition was calling me to the desert as well.

I was a flower that needed a lot more sunshine and much less dampness.

Sometimes, the greatest health, prosperity or relationship move you can make is to literally move to another location!

This is true spiritually as well. 

Your dreamtime and access to spiritual insights can open like a flower when you are in a climate and living on land that is ideal for you.

With my Native elders and in my Sacred Feminine practices, I learned that your relationship with the earth matters. Being in the right place at the right time is important.

So, we followed my intuition and doctor’s advice by spending some time in Santa Fe. To my delight I discovered I started quickly recovering my strength and my immune system was less taxed.

I became aware of how much energy medicine I was using just to keep myself going. It was so much easier to feel the land and sun of the desert working with and for me. The desert flower in me was very happy!

It’s been a process since then. We have spent the past two years completing the things we needed to do here, and now it’s time to replant ourselves in the desert of New Mexico, just in time to enjoy the spring flowers.

Jeffrey and I will be packing and traveling over the next two weeks, and we’ll stay in touch with you while we are on the road—taking you with us in our hearts!

Growth of any kind can be easier when you are in the right soil and climate.

How about you? What flower inside you is calling? Are you feeling like a tropical flower, desert flower, mountain flower…?

Are you where you belong?

Holding you in my heart and songs

Program of the Month

Release the doubts that were formed in your childhood by recreating your past. 

Taking this course was a truly life-changing experience for me as I uncovered things that had been hidden deep within me for a long time. Through breathing deeply and following the guided meditations, I got in touch with my true self and received many insights and profound healing through love and compassion. I became much more spiritually and psychically aware and learned how to tune into the unmet needs of my child at different ages.” 

On special this month:

Sound Healing Session of the Month
When your trust in the Divine has been shaken in any way, it can shake your spine. You lovingly rebuild your foundation, step-by-step.

That’s what Misa’s recorded Sound Healing Session for Back and Neck does for you. You build your spiritual and emotional foundation for a strong healthy spine.

It’s on special this month, so check it out now:

Private Intensives with Misa In-Person or on Skype
If you want to create deep and lasting change, that’s what people experience in Personal Intensives with Misa.

She is now scheduling Personal Intensives for the second half of May and beyond. You can join her at her peaceful desert home, a short drive from Santa Fe, or through a Skype call.

"I am at a loss for words to describe this amazing, beautiful experience." —Carla Hines

Find out how it works and the results people are getting:

This Week's Favorite Prescription from Heaven

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right. 

To your fulfillment!
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