Subject: 3 things that pull you away from your true purpose

When you are wondering—What AM I supposed to be doing?

Hi Friend,

It seems to happen every spring. 

As the flowers begin to fulfill their purpose, we really start wondering about our own. Isn’t it strange how elusive our destinies can be to us?


And yet, like the spring flowers, they are built into our very nature, if we just knew what that was all about. 😉

For decades, I’ve been helping people learn how to relax into their purpose. Yes, relax!


Here’s how it works. Once you let go of the inner struggle that pulls you away from your true purpose, you’re able to relax and that’s when it shows itself to you.


But as long as opposing ideas and plans keep filling your mind, it’s impossible to be clear about the right direction.


The real problem is that the inner struggle makes it impossible to see our purpose on our own.

Here are 3 things that create the struggle and pull us away from our true purpose:

  1. As children we learn to pay attention to everyone else’s needs and desires, but not necessarily our own.

  2. We are taught society’s version of purpose, which is finding a career that suits you and studying until you are finally hired to do that for a living.

  3. Because we tend to value achievement, we grow up believing that fulfilling your purpose is some job, activity, or event you have to do.

All of that adds up to confusion and tremendous pressure.

Some years ago, I committed to letting go of the struggle around my destiny. 


I was delighted one morning, as I was waking up, to be profoundly aware I was made perfectly for my purpose and that purpose was an expression of my beingness—my nature. 


From that day on I realized…

… The closer we live to our true nature, the more our purpose naturally expresses.

Understanding your own true nature can be tricky when you’ve spent a lifetime being more clued into other people’s needs and natures than your own.


So, if you want to get clearer about your purpose, our Private Counseling sessions together begin by fully identifying and embracing your true nature.


For most of us, some of our greatest abilities are so second-nature to us, we don’t even recognize them as talents.


And when you’re not sure of your natural abilities, you worry that you are not good enough or don’t have the right skills to fulfill your destiny. The result is that a part of you becomes afraid to even know your destiny.


But, as you become aware of your natural abilities, you become less afraid, and you release the inner struggle.

As you become mentally and emotionally clear, your destiny becomes clear.

You relax and your true—pure and empowered—nature takes over. 


Then voila, like the flowers pushing their heads up through the ground, you are joyfully living your purpose.


Isn’t that what we all want—to really enjoy our lives while we are fulfilling our destinies?


If you know you are ready to live into your destiny, check out the link below and learn more about how Private Counseling can help you get the clarity you need…


… because you are truly more than you realize!

Holding you in my heart and songs,

Enjoy your life while fulfilling your destiny

We just checked Misa’s Private Counseling schedule and she has two new openings. 


Learn more about how working with Misa can help you let go of the struggle so you can experience the freedom and joy of your destiny.


Then get a complimentary Breakthrough Strategy Session with Misa to make sure private sessions are right for you.

What people have experienced:


I have been actively doing some form of inner work for decades, but Misa’s gentle, nurturing approach to the work offered something extraordinarily special. I feel like I grew leaps and bounds and touched upon something deeper in me than ever before while under Misa’s guidance. Misa’s approach made the experience feel like there was no ‘problem’ in me that need fixing. Instead, there were only discoveries of all my unique gifts and strengths and how to use those to my advantage. —Andrea


I was greatly surprised that our sessions from the package helped me figure out my business concept. We created plans and action steps and Misa gave me such amazing practical advice. I feel so inspired to move forward in life in a business that I absolutely love and that is so specific to who I am. She gave me that “push” in the right direction and I can feel my soul singing when making decisions that are in line with this new business. Thank you so much Misa for your wisdom, intuitive insights, your clarity, loving attention and kindness. —Marissa


My Holding Sessions with Misa were like talking with my best friend. I felt complete support, stability and deep love. In holding I experienced new perspective and insight about my true abilities, my inner wisdom and my personal relationship with the Divine. As a result, I am more emotionally in balance, my life seems to have a flow to it and I am beginning to feel the deep inner strength and confidence in making the best choice in every moment. —Greg

Sound Healing for Anxiety

Are you struggling to keep your center in these chaotic times? Stressed about your ability to realize your dreams amidst all the unrest? 


Misa has recorded a studio version of a medicine song for releasing anxiety and stress that she first led 300 spiritual travelers in singing along the Nile River years ago. 


To help you cope with today’s stresses, these healing sounds get to what’s behind the anxiety, so be ready to immerse yourself in sounds that move energy. Then enjoy the more tranquil ending, with medicine sounds for deepening your trust in the Divine Mystery of life.


It’s on special right now for 50% off:

Releasing—the first step to vitality and vibrancy!

In Feminine practices the first step in a sacred journey is to release.

Join Misa at Britta Aragon's event where you learn skills for cleansing at every level—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Spring is the perfect season to release and prepare for the vitality and vibrancy you've been waiting for.

Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony for Awakening Women

Join us for this 1,000 year old ancient ceremony in the Divine Feminine, as women from around the world gather together to create virtual sacred space.

You can expect compassion, laughter, tears, and virtual hugs as like-hearted women create a safe and sacred space for better lives and a better world.

Get your invitation to April's on-line gathering here (along with a free download of The Holding Meditation that we do in the ceremony):

Prescriptions from Heaven

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!

Share them with someone you love. 💗