Subject: 2 Ways to Release Perfectionism and Open Potential

Happy Weekend Friend,

I was having a conversation with my husband, Jeffrey, about letting go of attachment to perfectionism, and recalled a story shared with me years ago.
When I was still acting, I met a scene designer at a university who taught his students a simple guideline for releasing perfectionism:
When it is 20 minutes before the curtain goes up and you still need to paint a door that is supposed to be red, but the only pain available is blue... Blue will do.

It’s become a catch phrase at our house whenever we are feeling stressed—whether in our personal or business lives—about a lifeline (my word for a “deadline”) coming up. 
Because if you wait for perfection, you might never get anything off the ground.

Perfectionism can become a way in which we attempt to legitimize our fear to take action. 

Here are two ways that can work.
1. Expecting something else to happen first to make the circumstances “perfect” for action.
I think of it as the “If-Then—When-Then” game.  You can find yourself playing it alone or with others.  😉  It works like this.
When I’m healed, then I will ______________.
If we get the money, then we will ______________.
If the right person comes into my life, then I will _______________.
When we get more guidance about this, then we’ll get started with  ______________.
Here’s how it used to play out for me. I would get an idea about something I wanted to do, receive some intuitive guidance about it, and then drop the ball waiting for more intuitive guidance or for something else to happen first.
When no more guidance came or my conditions didn’t happen, I’d give up, telling myself, “I guess it wasn’t really meant to be.”
Have you ever done that?
It’s a “perfect” way to stop the energy from flowing!

Certainly, some ideas take longer to develop than others. Some ideas get started and need to be put on hold for a while. Some ideas need the buy-in of other people. Some do require a deeper level of healing. And some ideas need more careful planning than other ideas.

However, an idea starts coming to life when you say, “Yes,” and take whatever action you can. That’s the moment potential begins its journey of becoming reality!

You get the idea in that moment because it IS time to get started!
So, when a really great, Divinely inspired idea comes through, it’s an opportunity to consider the invitation and either say, “Yes” or “No” right away.
In my experience, more intuitive guidance comes—and the support of the Universe arrives—the moment I take action with conviction and keep the momentum going.
2. The second way we can get caught up by perfectionism is to think that what we are doing will never be right enough or good enough to put out into the world.
That’s what my friend the set designer was talking about. 

He was reminding his students not to become so caught up in the perfection of their designs that they forgot the bigger and more important mission—in their case—to entertain people with a play!
Behind this fear is the belief, I’m not good enough.” If this comes up for you, it begs the question, “Then why did the Divine give the idea to you?” and “What does the Divine know about you that would be wonderful for you to acknowledge, too?”  😊

Today is the beginning of Spring Equinox. As the sun is out for more of our daytime hours in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s normal to feel a strong desire to take action—to blossom. That’s the life-giving nature of the sun.
And action is the nature of the Sacred Masculine or yang energy that lives inside all of us. 

Remember, you always have a choice to say “Yes,” or “No.” It’s sitting on the fence that kills energy in your life.

If you decide to respond to an inspired call to action, you might want to keep these two thoughts in mind:
1. Don’t let perfection slow you down by getting caught in the “If-Then—When-Then” game. Put a date on the calendar and begin so the Universe can get behind you and build energy with you starting now!
2. As you get close to meeting your goal, keep your momentum going right up until it’s time for curtain, remembering that sometimes, “Blue will do!”

Holding you in my heart and songs

Last Call—Bring Your Divinely-Inspired Ideas to Life

For 30 years, Misa has been helping people experience deep healing, more satisfying relationships, expanded prosperity, fulfilling destinies and awakening the Divine within.
She opened up some new Private Counseling appointment times for this spring and is scheduling complimentary strategy sessions right now. There are just two left. Schedule now to see if working with Misa is right for you.

Here is what people say about working with Misa:

I feel like I grew leaps and bounds and touched upon something deeper in me than ever before while under Misa’s guidance. Misa’s approach made the experience feel like there was no ‘problem’ in me that need fixing. Instead, there were only discoveries of all my unique gifts and strengths and how to use those to my advantage. I always felt heard, supported, and encouraged. Misa is incredibly wise. I could tell by how she listened, what she chose to say when she talked, and how that energetically affected my body positively. Her perspectives really helped me make some significant shifts in my view of myself, which has positively affected my health. —Andrea

Misa has woken me up many times, providing just the “A-ha!” piece I needed to move my business to the next level. With everything she offers, Misa incorporates her vantage point that your work is your spiritual practice. All of this plus, her solid business background and powerful intuition, add up to the most enjoyable and productive coaching I have received. —Snow
My resistances against Self melted away in the safe and loving space Misa held for me. Misa’s knowing comes from a deep, deep place. I’ve never felt as understood or heard as profoundly as in my sessions with Misa. Her gentle yet powerful guidance allowed me to finally start truly forgiving myself and others and move into spacious love and peace. —Celine

Sound Healing Recordings

Let's keep COVID contained by staying strong and healthy!

Get support in your prevention and healing with Misa's recorded sound healing session for coronavirus. It's free!

Share with friends!

Misa asks that you write a review of your experience with the sounds and results on her website. ;)

What people experience:

This sound healing session affected me in profound ways. The first time I listened to it, I could feel it shifting and moving energy in my body. At points it was uncomfortable and immediately after listening, I started running a low fever, which Misa explains as a “healing crisis.” A day and a half later, the fever was gone and I felt better and stronger than I had all winter. This definitely cleared something out of my body (maybe multiple things), and helped me to heal. The next time I listened to the track, it was a much more easeful experience, but I could still feel it working, shifting my energy in a subtle way. Having this to turn to also provides so much mental and emotional comfort, which is priceless right now.  —Alison

Prescriptions from Heaven—Free Gift

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day out right. 

To your fulfillment!
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