Subject: Video 5 today – Uncovering the hidden beliefs limiting your healing


Recently, I was working with a client as she courageously dove into the beliefs that had been keeping her locked into an illness.
Each belief had been formed as a way to try to protect her when she was young, but those beliefs as an adult have kept her in a pattern that has been slowly destroying her health.
No treatment ever worked for her for very long because these hidden beliefs sabotaged everything she did.

Have you ever wondered why no matter what you try, you keep ending up unwell or depressed?

I know what that is like. When I was healing my hormonal dysfunction, I realized I had adopted a belief as a child that locked my body and psyche into a state of complete disorder.
Here’s what happened:
I had been sexually abused as a child and repressed that memory. When I finally remembered, I realized I had adopted the belief that it was safer to be a man than it was to be a woman.
So my body accommodated that belief by producing as much testosterone as a teenage boy.

My subconscious belief was driving my life.
I had to learn HOW to ask the right kind of questions (of myself and the Divine) that would uncover my hidden beliefs and get to real answers.

Beneath those hidden beliefs, I found the deeper truths—my reasons for being here on earth and my motivation to get well.

As I released the old belief, I was finally able to hear my own intuition and meet the emotional needs of my soul.

As I did… I created a foundation for physical treatment to work, and my depression dissolved.

I healed.

Ifyou are ready to get to the truths that set you free, Video 5 gives you insights for how to:
  • ask questions to free yourself from cycles of self-punishment and sabotage
  • ask questions that get effective answers, insights, and guidance
  • test your assumptions about your life and healing
  • discover your pathway to truth
  • discover the emotional needs motivating your beliefs
  • recognize and honor your intuitive guidance for healing
  • speak your truth in a way that supports further healing

Watch Video 5 to discover the power of questions in uncovering your greatest truths for healing:

Video 5 goes live Thursday 5/25 at 12am MDT and is viewable for a full 48 hours. Video 4 is still live through Thursday 5/25 at 11:59pm MDT.

Get ready. You are going to leave this video with a whole new way of thinking about the questions you ask yourself and the Divine.

Then write me with the insight you discovered! :)
Holding you in my heart and songs,
PS Only 2 videos to go after this one! If you already know you want unlimited access to work with the complete Breakthrough Healing System at your own pace, take advantage of our 70% off special. Just use this Coupon Code: BREAKTHROUGH99

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