Subject: Ask Your Oregon Senators to Oppose the USDA's Mandatory RFID Ear Tag Rule!

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Ask Your Oregon Senators to Oppose
Mandatory RFID Ear Tags!

Strength in Numbers

Dear Friend,

As you may have read in earlier emails or articles, Farm-to-Consumer has been opposing the new USDA rule to require mandatory visual and electronic ID (RFID Ear Tags) on cattle or bison crossing state lines.

In Oregon, you have a special opportunity to make a difference, and your voice matters!

On May 9, 2024, Senator Mike Rounds (R - S.D.) introduced a simple bill (S. 4282) to combat the USDA Rule by seeking to prevent the Secretary of Agriculture from implementing any rule or regulation requiring the mandatory use of electronic identification ear tags on cattle or bison.

A Congressional Resolution of Disapproval has just been filed in both the House and Senate to stop the USDA’s damaging, mandatory rule

FTCLDF and our coalition partners are reaching out to legislators across the country to urge their support of Sen. Rounds' bill.

Opportunity in Oregon

The offices of Oregon Senators RON WYDEN AND JEFF MERKLEY have expressed interest in this issue and we think we can convince them to get on board. (Sen.Wyden’s website and Sen. Merkley’s website)

Their staff asked that we compile data about how the rule will impact farmers and ranchers in Oregon. They are aware of the challenges you face, noting that in Oregon you have lost more than 5% of your farmers in a 5 year period. The Senators have been searching for ways to find a balance between the small and large producers. 


You can encourage your Oregon Senators to move on this issue, and BLOCK the mandated RFID tags. We are seeking stories from our Oregon members that we can share with Senators RON WYDEN AND JEFF MERKLEY about the challenges you face and how mandatory electronic animal ID can impact you.

Take Action

If interested in being heard on this important issue, you can engage in one or more of the following ways:

  1. Send an email to FTCLDF describing the impact RFID Tags would have on your operation, or have a call with us so that we can take notes that will allow us to convey your story to the Senators' offices.

  2. Let us know if you would be willing to join a Zoom call with the Senators' staff if convenient timing could be arranged?

Please email our Legal and Policy Manager, Christine Dzjuna at at your earliest convenience if you are willing and able to assist with sharing your story in one of the above ways!

   3. Alternatively, you can call or email the Senators' offices directly to voice your support of the effort to BLOCK the Electronic Cattle ID Rule.


A call would be most effective and the numbers you can use to reach out are as follows:  Sen. Merkley 202-224-3753; Sen. Wyden 202-224-5244.

If you prefer to send an email, you can direct it to their staff as follows: 

Sen. Wyden's Staff 
Sen. Merkley's Staff 

Here is the SCRIPT our policy coalition developed that you can use as an aid in making calls and sending emails.

For your convenience, read additional Information about RFID Tags from Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.

Thank you so much for your engagement on this important issue!

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director, FTCLDF

One minute is all it takes to process your $10, $20, $50, or $100 gift to
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.  

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or call our offices at (703) 208-FARM (3276).

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